
Fundraising Idea?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently 13 years of age, and I am trying to raise money in order to attend the National Young Leaders State Conference. I was thinking about creating homemade soap and potpourri and selling it in order to raise money in front of a local market ( with permission of course). I'm hoping to get the supplies from local art and craft stores ( hopefully donated). I was wondering, good or bad idea? Will I be able to make a decent amount of money by doing so? Also, I'm trying to get more ideas for things to sell, that is easily made or acquired. PLUS, if you have any good fundraising ideas, they will be appreciated. Sorry if this was long and if I had any misspellings, thanks to all in advance for helping me out! : )

PS : I also apologize if this question was not in the correct catagory, for I don't think I found the correct one




  1. you could make money but remember you will incur quite a bit of initial investment, and time, plus don't always know what scents and shapes will sell best. .i don't think it would be worth the effort...

    check out this website for some great fundraising ideas that don't require as much initial investment

    good luck in whatever you decide to do for a fundraiser

  2. I applaud you for realizing that you have a goal in mind, and expect to help finance the trip.  Most 13 year olds would be more demanding.  You seem to be more mature than your peers.

    Is the Young Leader's State Conference part of a school function?  Or, is it part of a team from your school?  I am thinking that your parents and family members might be able to make a monetary tax donation to your trip if it is doen through the schools.  The 'donations' can be applied towards your cost of the trip, and the monies are reimbursable next year when they file taxes.  Of course it does sound like a long time to wait for the money to be reimbursed, but it is a possible idea.

    I do like the soap & potpourri idea too.  Other ideas that some recent 7th graders did to earn money for their Boston trip included karaoke night-$3 admission and snacks were sold, bake sales, raffle baskets, movie nights, and root beer floats.  

    All the very best to you!

  3. Maybe you could organize a Bingo Party if it is legal in you country. I like your Potpourri and Soap making idea which could even grow into a real business if it clicks. For a 13 year old, you don't have to apologize, you are on the right track. Just do it.....
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