
Fundraising for my local preschool?

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I am trying to fundraise for my local pre-school on Portland, their website is, they have tried things like cheese and wine evenings and such like to raise funds but they keep falling flat with attendance so nothing really comes of it.

So I am looking at helping them out with raising a few extra funds, I live (and the school is based on a small peninsula island of about 140,000 so it has to be as interesting as is possible to grab attention and get people to pay attention, I was thinking about a auction of promises but Im not too sure of what promises to get from people and stuff like that. I am a complete newbie to fundraising so need all the help i can get as Ive never done anything like this so I am starting from a plain drawing board really, I have got another mum to help me so I am open to all ideas. the location is Portland, Dorset in England in UK so plzz help. I want this event to be sooooo huuuuuuuge





  1. U could perhaps organise a sponsored walk which at the same time would be good for people.

  2. try a fete or something like that

    just get parents to donate anything they don't want (IE old Xmas presents never used) and sell them there!

    also serve refreshments !

    make cups of tea and coffee and squash! with biscuits for the kids!

    or have it themed for Christmas!

    in Morrison's they are selling candy canes (12 in a box) for 99p buy one get one free

    if you get like 6 boxes you charge something like 25p per candy cane you've already raised at least £20!

  3. I have something that may be perfect, especially, for this time of year...... pictures with Santa.

    At the same time have Christmas displays made by the kids from the pre-school. Charge admission for fund-raising purposes.

    Top it all off by selling Christmas goodies.... baked goods, candies, etc..

    Don't forget all the little things, too. Things like decorations, Christmas music, someone to greet everyone, perhaps a tour guide (of sorts) or an MC, a little entertainment, etc..

  4. Balloon Race.Fill with Helium,attach label of sender and address of school to return to.Sell for £1,have major launch.Place a map of Europe in foyer of school and wait to be surprised.You can expect returns from all over U.K.and Europe.Enrol local press and give prizes eg vouchers from Travel Agents.Endless fun and possibilities.Good Luck.

  5. at our preschool, we do things such as book sales (scholastic) and candy fund raisers as well. they each bring in a lot of money and are fun as well. we also sell mary kay cosmetics, and we do parties with that, and it usually gets a great turn out. another idea  is to sell tupperware.

    I think it's great that you are fundraising for your preschool! good luck!!

  6. I saw a school where they bought a lot of very cheap little wooden stools....or chairs...for around £4.00 each...try wholesalers and pound type stores...then they got the kids to hand decorate them and held an auction...obviously parents wanted their offsprings chair and Mums and Dads bid against each other in the spirit of the thing...but that did very could do the same thing with T shirts, Mugs, etc.

  7. try or

  8. I have found that most people like to help if they dont actually have to do anything-we do sponsored events at preschool...we organise something like sponsored trike around preschool and give sponsor forms to companies, parents etc and simply ask that they return forms and then the money after the event...seems to work!

    If you do do an auction try contacting local businesses that will attract people eg: Family restaurants, toy stores, entertainment like bowling alleys or cinema.

    Or you can ask paqrents of the preschool: A personal 'ironer' for a day-where a parent will do your ironing...a parent will come round and cook etc etc.

    Hope that helps a bit! X

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