
Fundraising ideas....?

by  |  earlier

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I am really hoping to start a foundation to save neglected babies, and I need some ideas of how to raise some money!

Help PLEASE!!!




  1. make a speech,make flyer but it at the fornt door at people house or mailbox.And give people flyer around street.

  2. hold a fundraising picnic and ask for donations from local restaurants. that's exactly i'm working on right now. except that mine is for the earthquake relief in china.

  3. Yard sales at your church is always a good one.  Spend a bit of money on an item that has to do with a crib and raffle it off.  I would go to your local baby store ask them for the crib and maybe the bedding too at cost and ask them to sell some raffle tickets there.  Ask some of your friends to volunteer some time and sell the tickets too.  Someone always knows someone that is going to have a baby.  Churches can always use a crib.  I would knock on the doors at a retirement community if they allow it.  I would also contact your town's Catholic Charity.  You don't have to be Catholic and they are always willing to help out in these circumstances.  They may not help financially, but, they could walk you through the process. Good luck!  Send a couple of those babies my way!!! =)

  4. wow this is a really good idea! try a silent auction to get a start. maybe have a benefit concert or walk (you know how they have the march of dimes for pre mature babies) have a bike ride and have people get sponsors for the walk or ride.  let me know how this goes!

  5. We have a great program you can use.  We specialize in using the travel industry to raise funds for any non-profit organization.  For more info go to

  6. I don't know if you like this idea but if you want to raise some money you can ask people to donate their old things (clothes, furniture, toys, etc.) and then you can have a yard sale or silent auction. Bake sales are fun and a good way to raise money (plus they're delicious). Of course there's the car wash idea too. Explain what your raising money for and ask for donations and then they get their car washed. Another fun idea is a carnival. You can have a dunk tank, pony rides, games and a jumping castle and charge people money. (the only problem is that it costs alot of money and there's no guarentee you'll make that money back) You can make your own website (or hire a website designer to do it) and post it on google and tell all your friends about it and people can donate money from that site. I hope this helps and good luck.
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