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My group's STAR event made it to nationals we need to raise at least 5,000 dollars and only have a month and a half left. We have under a thousand. Can anybody tell us any good fundraising.




  1. Hi there! I work with a company that has several easy to use, low cost or even no cost fundraiser programs. Do you have a few friends and family members who might be excited to help you with your project? Maybe even a campus or church newspaper you could post a web address in? Would they like a great deal on Netflix, Vista Print, As Seen On TV, or even a golf swing training system? I can help you make a web page (in about 15 minutes) that has excellent offers from all of these companies and more. Best of all, it doesn't cost anything for you to set up or use! Every time a friend or family member uses one of these offers (like Netflix for $14.99), you will earn between $3 and $25 dollars, depending on the offer. We also have scratch and help cards, spinners, the ABC fundraising card with buy one get one pizza offers, and more! Email me back and I can get you started.

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