
Fundus height? According to my due date, I'm 36 weeks now. ?

by  |  earlier

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Last week (week 35) when my Dr. measured my fundus height, I measured 37cm. This week (week 36), I measured 41cm. My Dr. said that was a really big jump in height and is having me go in for a sonogram next week to check the baby's weight and size. Has anyone else measured that large, and does that mean my baby is going to be really big?




  1. when i was 30 weeks i measured 34 weeks so at 31 weeks i had an u/s and yes, my baby was the 65% range. they said as long as he's not in the 70% range they wont change the due date. it could be because you have extra fluid or gestational diabetes or just a big baby like me! i should have expected it tho. i was 8lbs 5 oz and his daddy was 10lbs dad was 11lbs and his cousin who was born in june was 10lbs 6oz! they may want to induce you tho if you continue to measure so big and it is all baby.

    good luck momma and hope this helped!

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