
Fungus? Insect Home? What is this picture of?

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I have no clue what this is. I am rather perplexed. I am thinking some sort of fungus or insect that has built a home?

I hosed it off earlier today and there was a lot of "dust" as I sprayed it away. No sign of any insects or living creatures.

I knocked some of it off with a stick. You can see signs of the on the left of the "thingy"




  1. Carefully pick up what is left of this thing, and take it to your local Department of Agriculture. They will be able to identify it for you.

  2. ewwwww....

  3. I'm not convinced it's fungus, it looks too much like an old insect dwelling, it looks too much like the home (or former home) of a pipe organ mud dauber, which is sorta like a wasp that makes it's home of mud.  Go to google, type in "pipe organ mud dauber" then click on "images" at the top and see if any sorta resemble the thing you had a pic of. Have fun 'googlin'!  :)

  4. It looks like slime mold to me. Go google the pictures of what it looks like before it dries up like that. It's completely harmless. Hence how it dries up

  5. It looks like some sort of fungus to me.

  6. easy one! i dont know the scientific name for this but in KY we call it a mud dobber nest. a mud dobber is a type of wasp that builds its nest out of mud. they dont sting so dont worry just clean them off and you will be fine

  7. It looks like it was insect made. It does not look like fungus at all (no mycelium or discernible fungus characteristics)

  8. This is definitely not a mud dauber nest.  It is some kind of fungus or mold.  In fact, I have one of those growing on the side of a 1/2 wine barrel in which I have some pepper plants growing.  I've seen these before but don't know what they are.  I just knock them off with a stick and rinse off the residue.  Gross.

    I'd be curious to know if it is toxic.

  9. That is strange looking! It looks like it has antennas on it's head. If it was a living thing it is obviously deceased. Or it could be a fungus, whatever it is.... very interesting!

  10. You can eliminate a mud dubber nest see photos below

    they make very uniform nests . I don't think it's a insect it looks more like a fungus.  That thing coming out on right side of the photo is not an antennae it's a twig from below that has be covered up by the growth/fungus.

    I would contact the nearest 'university extension' in your area/state to find out because it could be detremental to you health.


    "Some types of molds and fungus release highly toxic

    "mycotoxins" which are byproducts that develop and then

    release during growth. These mycotoxins can cause severe

    adverse health problems for many people."


    Infact it looks more like a type of mold....

  11. can u post more than one picture? From here it looks like a guine pig! Where was it? dirt? tree? Dust would most likley be a mushroom

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