
Funky Pee and sharp lower tummy/pelvic pain....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok first off I drink 6-7 glasses of water a day, I don't believe that I'm dehydrated.

Pee is cloudy.. sometimes yellow/orange.

It smells sometimes ... almost as bad as horse pee.

and that has been going on for a couple weeks..

It dose not hurt/burn to pee.

But in the last two days I have had very lower ab pains, not in the crotch area.. but like in between the hips low.. It can be a sharp pain at times. I don't know whats up...I'm thinking about going to the Dr. but I hate the Dr. here on our base.. So I avoid it. Any input would be great and thank you.




  1. i think its a bladder infection i had this a while ago but it burn to pee for me... i would go to the Hospital and find out what is happening

  2. i can say with 99% certainty you have a UTI (urinary tract infection), if left untreated the infection can quite easily track up to your kidneys and you can develop pylonephritis which can require hospitalisation.

    you really, REALLY, need to go to your doctor.

  3. Sounds to me like you may have a Urinary Infection(UTI). I would go to the doctor for further treatment before it becomes a major issue. He will give a good checking over and will more then lickely give you some antibiotics to clear it up. Good Luck

  4. It is most likely an infection.  If you don't go to a doctor it will only get worse.  The lower ab pain you are talking about could be your bladder which could mean you have a bladder infection, but it could also be your kidneys that hurt if it is your lower back, which could be a kidney infection.  Go to your doctor and give them a urine sample.  If you don't have an infection your doctor should be able to give you further tests for the problem.  Keep drinking a lot of water.

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