
Funniest answer gets BA..regarding Edge at h**l in a Cell...?

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The funniest answer will get BA. We all know it was the Undertaker that "set Edge on fire and sent him to h**l". But let's say that wasn't the case:

Q: What set off the fire after Edge fell through the ring?




  1. Lita was under the ring doing who knows what when Edge came crashing through so.. Just like the "Rated R Superstar" he is, he jumped on that and had some hot s*x really Hot so HOT it caught the ring on fire. Since Undertaker never knew what was going on he prbly Sh*t him self thats why he was kinda sitting in the cornor of the ring ;) Hiding the poo stain...

    -- Hope you like it lol :)

    No disrespect to Lita Edge or Undertaker

  2. After he fell he laid a big one

  3. stephanie and linda were under the ring and they opened thier legs at the same time  


  5. the big attacking bunny monsters that lie under the ring, you wonder what hornswaggle looks beat up all the time, THERE YOU GO!

  6. the thought of Vickie naked later that night made him sh*t himself and causing a chain reaction in his stomach

  7. the thought that triple h is on the same show as him,which means edge wont get another world title until 2010

  8. He finally got the burns from ESSAY Rios(lita)

  9. He cut a gigantic, monsterous, colossal............f**t!

  10. It was gargamel from the smurfs he got tired of edge not being on anymore geico cave man commercials n he set him on fire because he figured if he couldnt have him then nobody could. n then gargamel started doing the boogeyman dance n went along his merry way n had a g*y ole time.

  11. Randy Orton was under the ring smoking Cra*k

  12. It was Eddie Guererro turning in his grave.

  13. Vickie was waiting under the ring and they had some very steamy and hot make up s*x

  14. hornswoggle ate to much earlier that day.

  15. Abdul Bashir blew himself up with Edge for s******g him over in 2005!

  16. The after-effect of dinner at Don Pablo's.

  17. Matt Striker was under the ring and when Edge fell through he started 'flaming' so much that he caught on fire.

  18. He set himself on fire to protest the persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam.

  19. All of the bad acting in the wrestling world set it off.

    Since all of the bad actors were probably watching, their energies were all focused on the ring at the time.  It was kind of like a bad acting magnifying glass, where all the energy from the bad acting focused on one point, and caused the ring to catch fire.

  20. boogyman farted under the ring on his flaming stick

  21. the ring became busted, instead of Undertaker setting Edge on fire, Undertaker was the one on fire.  

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