
Funny, simple joke??

by Guest45352  |  earlier

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does anyone know a really funny but really simple joke, short enough to write in a text.




  1. there was a blond ,ginger and brunette stuck in the sea 60 Miles away from island

    the brunette swam 30 mile and drawn

    the ginger swam 40 miles and drawn

    and the Blondie swam 59 mile got tried and swam back

  2. what do you call two robbers??

    a pair of knickers!!!

  3. A man says to his mum why do i have the biggest p***s in my nursery is it bcoz im black?

    She replies, no it's because your'e 25 and a F****** r****d lol  

  4. what did the fish say when it crashed into the wall.?     dam

  5. wut do you call a fish with no eyes??   a fsh

    you know like no i

  6. HOw many A.D.D kids does it take to change a lightbuld ........................................... Hey wanna go ride bikes?

    U like it ?

    Hope i helped  

  7. what's black and white and black and white and black and white















    `a nun rolling down a hill

  8. my friend just sent me a text message its one for the girls who love a bargain>>>>>>>>>

    ****NEWS FLASH****

    tell all ur friends that i can get 100 tampons for £1 strings attached...but for a limited period ONLY! 1 bloody good deal!

  9. what does a rubix cube and a pinis have in common?

    the longer u play the harder they get

    do u likw it

  10. How did the blonde break her leg raking leaves? She fell out of the tree.

  11. Why did the girl fall off the swing?  Cos she had no arms. Heeeeebloodylarious!

  12. Blonde goes to a Pizza Parlour. When the waiter brings her Pizza he asks if she wants it cut into 6 or 12 pieces. Oh only 6, she replies, I couldn't possibley eat 12!

  13. 2 snowmen were standin in a field 1 sed 2 da other can u smell carrots?

  14. why did the chicken cross the road?

    to get to the other side

    Why did it want to get to the otherside

    to get to the pub

    Why did it want to get to the pub

    to go to the toilet

    Why did it want to go to the toilet

    because all the c***s were there

  15. Two Eggs---

    Two eggs were in a frying pan. One says its hot in here the other says Holy Sh*t a talking egg.
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