
Funny Graffiti.......?

by  |  earlier

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laugh and the world laughs with you

snore and you sleep alone

six munfs ago I cudn't even spel executiv .now I am butter

never put off to tomorrow what you can avoid altogether

einstein rules relatively ok

queen elizabeth rules uk

amnesia rules……er…….um

pessimists rule -not ok!

lethargy rulezzzzzzzz

absolute zero rules 0'k

do you have trouble making up your mind?

-well, yes and no.

the only way to avoid mistakes is to gain by experience. The only way to gain experience …is to make a mistake.

just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today

death is hereditary

the road to success is usually under construction

if we learn from our mistakes then I am getting a fantastic education




  1. good crative work keep it up.

  2. That was really nice and funny.Liked the 2nd 1. You rule Fantastic!

  3. it is nice , keep it up.

  4. really nice you are on a roll lol

  5. wonderful..........................cant explain........

    any way keep it up

  6. My own creation...

    "My $h!t is floating down there…

    Because I did not want to ruin a Beautiful day

    By complaining …

    There is no water to flush it away!!!."

  7. Good one.

  8. cool thanks , i was looking for some to put in my room!!!

  9. HAHA ! That's really funny :)
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