
Funny bumper stickers anyone??

by  |  earlier

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bored and wanting a laugh!! ? haha just really bored! thx... ill look at websites too just somthing to do!




  1. Don't steal. The government hates competition.

    If you can't read this sign, go back to school.

    I'm only half evil.

    Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.

    I'm retired. Go around me.

    Rehab is for quitters. Who are you and why are you reading this?

    Everyone is born right handed. The gifted overcome it.

    Dyslexics untie.

    Embarrassing my children is one more service I offer.

    Don't take life seriously. It's not permanent.

    Mess with me and you mess with whole trailer park.

    If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman to hear, is he still wrong?

  2. be alert- the world needs more lerts

    if you can read this, ive lost my caravan

    go ahead honk, im reloading

    horn broken - watch for finger

    laughin yet ? : )

  3. there was one i saw that made it look like a pugs face was indented into the know how their noses are flat?well its because they chase parked cars...

  4. I saw one in a growing tourist town with big local resistance that said "If they call it tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"

  5. "Driver carries no cash, he's married"

    "Beam me up Scotty, there is no intellegent life on this planet"

    I saw a clever license plate on an AUDI, it said:

    "NOT A INI"


    Have fun

  7. yte


    This ALWAYS cheers me up, hilarious!

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