
Funny.. but depressing.. Please Help?

by  |  earlier

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So i was with this girl in a hotel right.. and we drank vodka.. like a bottle of 1.5 ltrs and when things got hot.. my Johnson :p you know went up.. it rised up hehe but when i went to wear the protection.. it just got down and couldnt get up and tried ****** everything.. please help :( it's embarrising




  1. tee hee!

  2. It is a normal reaction to the amount you drank.

  3. That's a lot of booze. Couple w/ the buzz-kill of condoms...

    Makes perfect sense to me.

    One trick that might work. If the girl can learn how to get the condom on w/ her mouth. I've only had it done once, but it worked.

  4. Alcohol will make you feel as if you can conquer it all, but the fact is it plays havoc on you physically.

    Lesson learned.

    Next time leave the alcohol out of the whole picture and maybe you will see her and the situation on a new light.

  5. The same thing will happen to you every time you drink that amount of alcohol. Not to mention many other bad things it can cause.

    The key to drinking is common sense moderation. When you can do that, then you know you have matured from juvenile thinking to adult.

  6. Matthew,

    Your suppose to get her drunk and your suppose to stay sober.

    Anyway, there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

    She probably forgot.

    Lesson learned.

  7. ouch..well with that much alcohol it was probably for the best.  Hard to make good decisions drunk.

  8. haha..that was funny, really.

    but it's ok. it happens. it's embarrassing yeah, but you cannot do anything about it. ^_^

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