
Funny childhood stories??

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Remeber when we were young and we did the most funniest things without knowing of it? Or have your children done or said something that has made you laugh.

what is something funny you did when you were young?

i have been told that i would drag my brother out on a skateboard, and yell, 'child for sale, $2' because i wanted to by a lolly.

of course, now i would never do that :P

tell your stories here, best gets 10 points.

share and make us laugh


share your funny a




  1.   I was 3 when my little brother was born.  I was staying at my Aunt and Uncles house during the delivery.  My Mom and Dad called to tell me I was a big sister.  I stated, "No me not.  Uncle Scotts going to run him over with the big truck so he be all gone."  I would not have a thing to do with this brother for days.  I took my first peek at him during a diaper change 3 days later.  He promply peed on me.  It took my jealous butt awhile to warm up to him after that.

    One more from my classroom 3 year old.  I was talking with another child and the attention seaking child kept saying "teacher, teacher, teacher," over and over while pulling on my shirt.  I ignored him and listened to the speaking child.  Suddenly attention seaker says, "Hello your lights are on but I don't think your home in there."  I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and then he did too along with me.  

  2. When I was little I loved chicken. I would eat any kind of meat if my parents told me that it was chicken. One time we were at a buffet, I was about 2 and I realized they were out of popcorn shrimp, or as I knew it "Popcorn chicken." The waiter walked by us and I shouted at him, "Hey you, you got anymore of that popcorn chicken back there?" He was a young kid and said " We don't have any..." And my mom cut him off and said "YES YOU DO...." And nodded her head. He caught on after awhile. Once at my grandma's, she cooked meatloaf. (I was the same age) She tried to give me meatloaf and I would not eat it. My grandma called my mom and told her that I would not eat the meatloaf. So my mom told my grandma to tell me that it was chicken. She did, and I still wouldn't eat it. So my mom told my grandma to put me on the phone. She asked me why I wouldn't eat the chicken. And I responded "Mommy, Grandma's chicken is bad."

  3. When my older brother was in Grade 1 he was going to be in a play called the Teddy Bears Picnic. He came home and told my mother he needed to have a teddy bear costume that had 'forks and knives' on it.

    My mother thought this was really odd and but then thought maybe it had something to do with the picnic aspect of the play My brother kept insisting the teacher had told him it had to have 'forks and knives' on it. When she got the instructions for the costume she found out that what the costume needed was 'hooks and eyes'.

  4. well once when i was 2 or 3 i threw a rock at my mom once. lol she ran after me and gave me a spanking though.

  5. One my grandma likes to tell is that we were driving down our street and a neighbourhood boy was playing in the street. I was about 4 or 5 years old. As we drove by him, I leaned out the window and yelled "Virgil - get your butt out of the street before it gets run over!!"

    One night when I was about 2 yrs old, my parents were watching TV. I calmly walked into the living room and proceeded to go potty on the coffee table. They caught me in time! I was sleepwalking - thank goodness I got over that!!

    One morning at church, our preacher began his sermon with a joke. It was raining so he said "It's raining cats and dogs. I know - I just stepped in a poodle." Helpful child that I was, I just had to help him by yelling out "It's a PUDDLE, not a poodle."

    We have this on tape. I'm asking my daughter who she'd liked to invite to her 2nd birthday party. She says "Mama. Daddy. G'ama. G'ampa. Dipshoe." I'm like "Dipshoe?" Took me awhile to realize she was saying "Mitchell". She continued to call him that for awhile! We still refer to him as "Dipshoe".

    (I don't know - sometimes these things are only funny if you were there or if it's your own family! LOL)

    Hey - can I tell a couple about my daycare kids? Jeffrey (20 months old) had fallen asleep before he could eat his lunch, so when he woke up, we warmed it up and gave it to him. He was starved and it was hot in the room, so after his diaper change the teacher didn't bother to get him dressed. As I walked by, he sat down at the table. I looked at him and said "You're eating lunch in your diaper!" He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind and said "Nah!!! I eat it in my plate!!"

    One day one of my toddlers pointed out a bug on the sidewalk. Well, bugs aren't my favorite thing, but I pretended to be interested and looked at the bug with them. Talked about what he was doing, what colour he was, etc. I had a little group huddled around looking down at the bug when Caroline (also a toddler) walked up and looked very closely at the bug. She then stood up straight, picked up her foot, and stomped the bug!!!

    Oh! Oh!! One more!! My friend and I took our newly potty trained  daughters to the zoo. We encouraged them to use the restrooms inside the zoo, but both refused, saying they didn't need to go. Sure enough, just after we passed out the zoo exit (far, far away from the restrooms) my friend's daughter needed to go potty. There were a couple of port-a-potties sitting outside the gate. She told her she'd have to use that one. So, the little girl walks up to the port-a-pottie and opens the door. She immediately turned around stiffly, with a disgusted look on her face, and said "That's okay. I just go in my pants."

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