
Funny/cute/emo quotes?

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i looking for some good quotes. i will probably hear alot of ones i already know but oh well lol.

i found these and think they're funny?how about you?

"No i willnt go to h**l! I've got a restraining order"

"im cute and so are you"

"sometimes the right thing and the wrong thing are the same"

"shes weird. slightly ugly,crooked.....imperfect, And thats way shes so beautiful"

so do you have anything like those???

i found these on they're icons and graphics....




  1. ,A great web site with tons of useful quotations

  2. "emo or not im still hot."

    "What's the point in killingyourself now your only going to die later."

    "A law eturnal does decree that all things born should mortal be."

  3. "The human brain is divided into two sides. The left side where in most cases there is nothing right, and the right side where in most cases there is nothing left".

    "Smoking can be easily removed. I have done it a thousand times."

    "I believe in the principle of living leisurely. The idea suits me well. The only reason why I work is that I'm to darn nervous to steal".

    "I often pause and ponder about life's peculiar ways, why all the heroes we have, are born on holidays" - Pithin

    Pasted on the door of the Engineering Office of an aircraft carrier " To err is human ( in very small letters) - NO HUMANS ARE ALLOWED IN ANY ENGINEERING SPACE! (in big bold capital letters)".

    And in the Repair Office " We the unwilling, assisted by the unqualified, have done so much with so little for so long. We are now about to do the impossible with nothing at all".

    "I have four daughters, all girls".

    "Say that you love me tonight. Tomorrow both of us would be sober".

    From a drunk "Birds of the same together, flock the feather".

    "Whenever I remove my pants, I make money" - Zorba the Greek
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