
Funny or insulting?

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Do you think this YouTube video is funny or insulting?




  1. Flippin hilarious.

    That show is supposed to offend and be tasteless, isn't that the whole point of it

    I thought it was funny

  2. Very bad taste but topical and hilarious.

    Family guy is supposed to be offensive.  I'm disappointed when it doesn't offend me.  That's the whole point.

    And you gotta love Stuey.

  3. Hey, Gershom.  I answered this earlier--like the first response, but I don't see my answer.  Anyway, it's NOT one bit funny.  It's a very poor and tasteless attempt at humor.  No message of any value whatsoever is even implied--just bad taste.

  4. It's funny. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's just a cartoon.

  5. How can someone make a joke out of a situation like that when this is happening all over the world and millions of kids are suffering?

  6. not funny at all.... but what does this have to do with adoption....right?

  7. insulting and stupid

  8. You do know it's family guy right? The whole point is to offend. Personally I think it's funny. Then again I'm a fan.

    I'm surprised you didn't go to American Dad that has brought up adoption on many occasions and done a whole lot worse than this.

    The mother is adopted by a Chinese family, her birth parents were rich and didn't want to bother with raising a child so just left her at the airport. She doesn't want to search but still is hurt when her aparents don't include her in the will. (You find out the reason is her sister Gwen needs more help then her, while she found a good husband and is smart, Gwen is a disgrace. "She's asian and failed math")

    Sorry for this answer getting long. I was surprised to see no one ever talked about this episode of American Dad.

  9. I don't think it's funny at all, it's really corny, and it's sad that it's making light of something terrible that young selffish girls have done to their babies.

  10. I don't like it but I never have really liked that cartoon anyway... It kinda weirds me out in the first place.

    I think it is insulting in general and don't really find this topic to be one a cartoon should be made out of...  seems pretty sick actually to me...

  11. Very disturbing.

  12. It is offensive and rude.

    But then it is meant to be, isn't it?

    Family Guy makes fun of all sorts of things that are taboo. I don't like the show (well, at least I don't think I do, see below), but I think it is good that someone is bringing up these sensitive topics that no one likes to talk about. Humor can be very subversive. It can sneak in under someone's guard when they least expect it.

    On the other hand, it can simply be stupid. That is what I think this is.

  13. Does it bother people so because it DOES happen?

    With birth control,abortion and public welfare so readily available in the US there is NO excuse that a child should be left for dead with trash........And yet they are that is why we have Safe Haven Laws. It causes concern for anti-adoption advocates because it brings to light the fact that infant adoption is STILL necessary.

    Just like everyone told me with the Jimmy Neutron episode.....It's a cartoon....Therefore Family Guy is a tastless adult cartoon!!!

  14. Much of the content on Family Guy is insulting and crude, for a reason. If you are insulted and outraged by something it means you have thought about what is being portrayed. If you are thinking about it you are also forming your own opinion. If it outrages you it will cause conversation. Conversation leads to action. Action leads to societal change.

    So, yes it does offend me and at the same time it makes me think about the issue... the first step in change.

    Thank god for shows willing to offend and outrage people!

    ETA... It is pretty d**n funny too.

  15. Definitely not funny. It is in very poor taste to make light of a serious issue.

  16. Bad taste.
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