
Funny question...hehe?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike can you make your breath smell better?? no gum because the gum doesnt last very long...also, in school we're not allowed to have gum so please dont say that...hehe...i know its a pretty funny question...please dont be critical...:]




  1. Gargle listerine.

  2. brush your tongue. use mints. floss.

  3. listerine breath strips are really good.  try those and also...........brush your teeth.

  4. try a mint or tic tacs or breath spray and i think some toothpaste does that too

  5. hehehehe......funny answer...........suck a mint

    I know its a pretty funny answer, but please, don't be critical.

  6. brush your teeth 3 times a day. brush them in a circular motion

  7. well i would say mouthwash to cover the smell of breath ,if you have a serious odor it may be due to a dental problem so check that out first

  8. listerine strips, mints
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