
Funny reasons to date a pilot!?

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Heres some I found:

We have extensive training

We make smooth precision approaches

We get up and stay up for hours

We never resign. If we do we crash

We know how to push all the right buttons

We use crew resource management

We have good hand - eye coordination

We can go upside down, right side up, and all around

A little turbulence makes things interesting

Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow aren't just the 4 cycles of an engine

We can go with or without seeing (VFR vs IFR)

We like to go fast

High thrust capabilities

We know a bunch of different manuevers

We know all the fun places

High manifold pressure and high RPM make for a good climb

Unusual attitudes are fun (angles/position not moods)

Mile high club

Commercially rated pilots do it better due to more practice and experience




  1. Caution ladies: Young airline pilots are prone to marry for money. My daughter ended up financing his habit for fast, expensive cars. Take a pass. She divorced him.

  2. Wet time.


    Penetration segments.

  3. They don't call it a "cockpit" for nothing!!

  4. Aircraft tug drivers like to put it in deep.

  5. after 40 hrs of instruction you get to solo.

  6. just look at wat happened to maverick.....

  7. We always(should always) do a complete preflight inspection to make sure the bird is airworthy.  Airworthiness in this case is at the whim of the PIC.

    But if the preflight missed an unairworthy item and the engine quits with no hope of restart we can pull a power off 180 and get out of there ASAP.

    If we're at altitude and we loose all lift we're trained in stall recovery.

    Our bird's eye view gives us a unique lay of the land that the average person can't fathom, therefore can't act accordingly.

    Landing on dirt and unpaved strips make a better pilot, however unpleasant the landings may be.  Yet some love it, others prefer a nice long paved and lighted strip with a big bright VASI to guide them in.

  8. They often have huge radio stacks.

  9. Not quite along your posters fine examples, but pilot related innuendo anyway...

    Q: What separates two perverted s*x fiends from four nymphomaniacs?

    A: The door to the flight deck.

  10. Caution Pilots  young women have ruined more aviation careers than gravity, bad eyesight, and unions combined. The fastest way out of aviation is to get married.  The old rule was you could not be a Captain at a legacy carrier until you were divorced from atleast 1 flight attendant.

  11. lol @ Dohabee, that was funny :)

    A couple more...

    Pilots know how to slip it in right....or left.

    We spend a lot of time holding it in position.

    International pilots can do it all night.

    When we pull up to a jet bridge, the gate agent never has to ask us if it's in yet.

    We gained a lot of proficiency by "soloing."

  12. they are federally licensed to go down on your landing strip

  13. Ladies: How do you know when you're halfway through with a date with a pilot?

    He says, "Well, that's enough about flying. Now let's talk about *me*!"

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