
Funny sayings???

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i want some funny-ish sayings to put on my binder for school but, it can't have bad words and it can basically be about anything.... actually it doesn't matter if they are funny just whatever sounds good... lol....




  1. go fly a kite

  2. #1 You are only as strong as the drinks you mix, the tables you dance on, and friends you party with!

    #2 My give a damns BUSTED!

    #3 If paybacks a ***** & Revenge is sweet

    Then I must be the Sweetest ***** you'll ever meet

    #4 Blondes have more fun

    But Brunettes remember it the next day

    #5 Every hottie with a body needs a cutie with a bootie!

    #6 Having the love of your life break up with you ans say " We can still be friends" is like you dying and your mom says " We can still keep it"

    #7 I suffer from CRS




    #8 Good friends will be there to take your drink away when they think youv'e had enough-- But (Your Best Friends) will look at you trippin over your own two feet and say, " ***** drink the rest of that, you know we don't waste that kind of ****"

    #9 Friends are like Condoms,

    There always there when things get hard!

    #10 Friends are like Bras,

    Close to the heart and always there for support

  3. your a low life bug-a-boo

    suck the crack of my azz

  4. When life gives you lemons, squirt them in your enemies eyes.

    Hmm, why are you looking at my binder.


  6. put....

    I....Lika....doa.....da cha-cha....

    lol hope youll use that

  7. i like green eggs and ham

  8. If you're looking for the American Dream, you just missed it! and, no matter where you go, there you are.,

  9. "why are you making cupcakes when you're just gunna p**p them out?" - pete wentz

    "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."

    - Albert Einstein, when asked to describe radio

  10. "your mom goes to collage.."

  11. Miley Cyrus sucks

  12. "Only Smarties have the answer" (Slogan: Nestlé - Smarties).

    "Work-Rest-Play" (Slogan: Mars Bar)

    "Get your juices going!" (Slogan: Starburst)

    Have a great day & good luck with your project!

  13. bom chicka wah wah!

    sup homeboy

  14. the early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese

  15. Unique is an understatement. I'm just messed up!

    If corn oil is made from corn, &Vegetable oil is made from veggies, then what is baby oil made from ?!

    Life is what you make it

    Immature ... a word used by people who don't know how to have fun.

  16. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit:

    Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

    People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.

    Don't put all your Basques in one exit.

  17. go hump a mountain;dog;tree.

    but skewl is almost over huh? lmao

  18. "Im falling 4 u.....plz catch me!"

    "God made man b4 woman....because you ALWAYS make a rough draft b4 a masterpiece!"

    "My boyfriend took me to Hooters. There were more big round things in that place than a bowling alley!"

    "Never take life seriously. No one gets out alive anyways."

    How r those?

  19. it is true that prince george V actually said,"always use the bathroom when you have the chance"

  20. your lips keep moving but all i hear is blablablalba

    Save water drink beer

    Its all about me deal with it

    Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

    Always tell the truth, even when you lie

    My imaginary friend thinks your crazy

    Everytime I see ur face. I wish I was in outer space :P

    (*)Theres always a light at the end of a tunnel, just pray its not a train(*)

    I'm not lazy, I'm just happy doing nothing.

    Hope I helped!! Choose me best answer????

  21. Friends are like bras, close to your heart and there for support!

  22. whatever tickles my pinkle

  23. whooooooa doctor!!

  24. "Use your head for more than a hat rack."

  25. i <3 grape skittles

  26. i know a few but i mostly got them from google but a few r

    " i lost my phone number can i borrow urs?"

    "bubbles" that one u have to say it funny like kk?

    "ill try to be nicer if u'll try to not be annoying"

    "earths full go back home"

    "be ur self... oh wait...."

    "how did u break out of the aslyem?"

    " how much did rehab cost 4 u?"

    well thats a few i know but i got to save the good ones for me but try looking up some on google

  27. These ones allways make my friends crack up when I use em.

    Go Burn in h**l!

    I'm not wearing any dimonds.

    My Name is Bj Weebie Winkle and um don't wear it out

    I can suck my own.

    Are you canadian? Oh, okay, 'cause you're sure as h**l acting like one right now

    It's fun until someone gets hurt...then it's halarious


    I Kinda stole this one from Green Day

    All saints are gonna be there? Tre, you might get laid!

  28. i don't know this isn't funny but its a pretty thing

    Go confidenty in the direction of your dreams, Live the life you imagined.-Henry David Thoureau


    And all you see

    Is where else you could be

    When you're at home

    Out on the street

    Are so many possibilities

    To not be alone.

    When your heart is an empty room.

    I don't know if thats too deep?

    i love this

    I'm so cool too bad i'm a loser.

    I'm so smart too bad i can't get anything figured out.

    I'm so thrilled to finally be failing

    well it just feels like i'm falling for the first time.

    do what theres some options
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