
Funny teen drama books!!!?

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hey does anyone know any funny teen drama books..

things like:

the georgia nicholson series

The A list series

Gossip Girl series

Saving Francesca

My lifes a ...... series




  1. The two funniest non-fiction teen books I ever read are by George Brennan, Jr.:

    Bats, Brats, and Stats

    Excellence: Sons of Xavier Forever

  2. I love the Gossip Girl series. It shows the creul, harsh, funny, tempting, and s**y/scandelous lives of the over priveldged. I ttly recommend it!

  3. i really enjoyed:

    Megans Guide to the Mcgowen boys- it was an awesome read

    Pants on Fire- by Meg Cabot(anything by her is great)

    i enjyed the Private series too, they remind me of gossip girl but not so much.

    ohh and also, I'd Tell you I love You But I've Have to Kill You

    Book of Luke, that one is very funny

  4. i'd tell you i love you but then i'd have to kill you (and it's sequel) by ally carter. i'm not sure if it's drama or not but the winsome threesome series by lauren myracle is hilarious. plus the little secrets series by emily blake

  5. try the Rachel Cohn books about Cyd Charisse - Gingerbread, Shrimp, and Cupcake

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