
Funny thing's your kid's say...?

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I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter, Bella...she is hilarious sometimes, she put's a cap on sideways, put's on her bling bling necklace and run's round saying "fo shizzle ma nizzle" it's sooo funny she must have learnt it from my 11 yr old brother(who thiks he's gangsta lol).

What are some funny thing's your kid's have said?




  1. The baby was crying and I said the babys crying to my brother in law...and my nephew (who is 3) says "well get your a** up and get him" I know that none of my family has said anything like that around him, he got it from staying with his father.

  2. my 20 month old says "hey dude" she got that from her uncle.  

  3. lol

    My 3yr old daughter when ever she doesn't want to do something says - I can't want to.I'll correct herand she'll be all defensive and say NO I CAN'T want to Mum, lol.

    Most embarrasing thing though was a few years ago when my now 5½yr old daughter YELLED in the middle of a shopping centre  - MUM YOU NEED THESE TO PUT ON YOUR f***y! as she held up a packet of pads

    I was sooooo embarrased.

  4. my daughter just turned 2. it cracks me up becuase when my husband farts she laughs, points at him and says "daddy pooped!!!' lol too cute.

  5. My 3 year old is being potty trained and he was standing at he toilet trying to go pee and he  holding his p***s with one hand tapped the  the top of it with the other and said "Mommy my volcano is broken" I laughed so hard. I have no idea where he got the idea it was a volcano because we have NEVER called it that.

  6. As a nanny to a rather unique family, certain phrases pop up where I'd rather they shouldn't.

    Most recently (while watching the jungle book):

    "Begira is an *** hole." Stefen, age 3

  7. My four year old daughter was sitting in her carseat and I turned around to see her picking her nose.  I told her to stop because it's gross and mommy doesn't like it.  She said, "Then stop looking."

  8. My daughter is 2, and just out of the blue she told her daddy and I that she was the boss. " I tha boss", is exacty what she said.

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