
Funny things to say to a doc right before surgery begins?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting my wisdom teeth surgery in about an hour and i had a funny for when i just about fall asleep from the IV's that they give me.

I was thinking of trying to say something like... "Hey doc... iv always wanted to tell you one thing...I...* clock out*

Anyone got any ideas?




  1. Just prior ask if he been drinking. Or did he wash his hands. Or if great looking, ask if want to.................

  2. "I better not wake up dead"

  3. For the more medically inclined:

    To the anaesthetist, "Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I had malignant hyperthermia?"

    EDIT: To the Doc... Yeah, but can you imagine how they'd react? It'd be kinda funny... surely?

  4. My name isnt "         "  

    Insert your name there^

  5. have him follow your finger with his eyes(like a DUI test) or ask him to recite his ABC's backwards

  6. Will I be able to play the violin when this is all over?  :-)

    Edited to add

    To Sock: Ouch!  That's not nice...  :-)

  7. "Whatever you do, try to keep yourself from saying 'oops' ".

  8. love you

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