
Funny you tube videos anyone?

by  |  earlier

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I need to laugh. I posted a question and people took it WAY too seriously and were pretty mean about it. I need some good you tube videos. Bring it on!




  1. unicorn planet, powerthirst or carlie the unicorn

  2. Here is one for you, I looked this up a few weeks ago.  My daughter was asking about what it would be like to jump off the roof and on to the trampoline.  So I went on Youtube and looked up jumping off the roof onto trampoliene, I dont know if it was that exact launguage, but something like that,

    And there is this video of a guy who jumps off the roof, and misses the trampoliene, and hits his crotch on the trampoliene.  There are other funny video's on there for jumping off your roof also.

    Good times man, Good times.

  3. look up charlie bit me.

    funny stuff.

    check out my videos.... search giggleb0t

    that is a zero in the name

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