
Fur Farming....?

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This video shows what happens to animals that are used for their fur... has anyone seen it??? It is very graphic

What are peoples thoughts on the fur trade?

I'm mortified about what happens to these poor animals - it breaks my heart... how can people do this!???




  1. I am an omnivore

    I am happy to eat meat

    I am happy to wear leather

    I have no problem with the fur trade

    I am not keen on allowing any animal to suffer, so the fur trade should kill its animals as quickly and humanely as possible

    {expecting loads of thumbs down for daring to go against the 'politically correct' idea that fur is abominable......... go ahead, see if I care :-)  }

  2. I saw things on Earthlings that were horrific -

    In many places in Europe one cannot wear fur in public

    My mother gave a mink coat of hers to my sister about 30 years ago and already at that time .my sister was pressed to get rid of it ,because so many people in the streets insulted her or worse.

    So nobody has fur there any more .

  3. join a group against this barbaric disturbing trade. dont support anything that comes out of china, and go with your feelings about this subject when talking to people about it. never ever back down and go against your feelings, always be strong with your opinion.

  4. Fur production, and sales of fur garments are up for the 6th year in a row.   In just the last year the demand was up 27%.  There are new fur farms being established in Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota.  Sales of trapping licenses are increasing every year.  The days of enviro-wackos influencing whether or not fur is farmed (or trapped) or worn are over.

  5. I think it's wrong full stop.

  6. If you wear fur or real leather you are wearing the carcass of a living being with a soul and a life, that was taken away for your pleasure.

    If you support the fur trade you are as bad as the people who get sick pleasure for killing poor defenseless animals.

    If someone was to wear human skin, there would be such uproar, why is there a difference? It's murder in either case, why is one form acceptable? Fur should be banned in Fashion, the designers who use it are sick and twisted individuals.

  7. i beleive in God i beleive He made animals for eating and He made them for fur. It all fits together perfectly, but i do not belive in cruelty. if you want to fur animals fine just dont hurt them

    i dont claim to no more than you do or claim to be an expert. maybe im wrong (about the fur thing)

  8. I'm not sure if anyone else who replied to you watch the video, but I did.  I find the end of the video to be distressing in the extreme.  That is an obviously live raccoon...which has been skinned.

    I'm a permaculture farmer, on a small farm.  I raise meat goats, and meat rabbits.  My husband and I butcher our own meat.  I watch my customers butcher goats on my farm all the time.  

    I cannot imagine the unholly h*ll that would be unleashed if I ever saw anyone skinning a still living animal.  That is cruel, and pointless beyond all reason.

    Of course the video was shot in China.  China does not care about the rights, health, and treatment of their can anyone expect them to treat animals humanely?

    They allow their street vendors to serve their customers rotten meat, drenched in formaldahyde, and cardboard, which formerly had toxic things stored in it.  They can chop the cardboard up and stir fry it and serve it with noodles...they are allowed to pass it off as meat.

    China's human rights violations are well beyond listing.  Quiet frankly you cannot expect such a country to EVER treat animals with kindness, or compasion.  

    This is one of the reasons I try not to buy products made in China.  I do not wish to support that country....ever.

    I am not against the fur trade in the U.S.A., or in Canada, where animals are killed humanely.  I don't vote against the fur trade in the U.S.A.....but I also do not suport them.  I do this by NOT spending my money on furs.

    I also do NOT support the factory farms here in the U.S.A.  I know exactly where any milk, cheese, butter, eggs, or meat on our table came from.  I know exactly what kind of life those animals lived, because I probably raised them personally.

    I am not a hypocrite


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  9. Too bad they don' t have better ways to kill the animals.  In our early west the trappers did much the same except the animal hung by its foot for a day or so until the traps were run.  Beaver, otter, mink, fox, etc.  Good livelihood but early settlers were in survival mode.

    We don't place much importance on how many are maimed and killed on the highway every day but sure make issue of someone in a depressed area trying to make a living.

    Enjoy the fur the animal gave up.

  10. i dont want 2 see the video,,it must be really duz break my heart aswell.i wish i cud get my hands on the people who do this
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