
Future Gas Prices??

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Does ANYONE know a website that has a predition for future gas prices per gallon? [[It's for a school project]]




  1. £7.00 a gallon here in the uk i think within the next 6 months

  2. predicts 4dollars


    I'm sure there's a link in there for a more definitive answer to your question.

  4. no but they are not going down

  5. Interesting article posted by this guy, can't vouch for the validity of the data, as it's your project, not mine, but he makes some future predictions on prices.  The problem is, he assumes linear progression on pricing and no established analyst will commit to that.  If you look only at the past 5 years as the writer does, it's easy to assume linear increases, but viewed as a historic trend, we're in the midst of a prolonged spike.  Go back to pre-2001 and the linear trend is much flatter.  His article doesn't take into account the devaluation of the dollar, which represents a significant portion of the increase we've seen to date.

    The link:

    Most future trends are purely conjecture, as the gasoline price is influenced by a number of independent variables.  Crude prices, demand, refinery capacity/utilization, weather, to name a few.  Any one of these is significantly impacted and gasoline prices can skyrocket.  Combine two and we'll all be squealing...

    Be careful in incorporating internet information into your report.  So much of what is taken as truth is the rantings of some disgruntled individual using the web to make his (potentially flawed) views more widely known.

    I found this page where the Dept of Energy makes forecasts of prices, the data is in an Excel format and prices are listed in constant 2006 dollars, so it will appear that they drop in the future, but you'll need to add in annual inflation to get future dollars.  I'd use this page for my data if I was creating a report.

  6. I think we *might* see four dollars, but not in all parts of the United States.  We are getting ripped off on both gas and especially diesel at this time.  Our Congress is more concerned about Steroid use than it is high fuel prices.
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