
Future High School Classes--->> (advice?)?

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Im just going in to freshman year and I'm taking two honers courses, and the rest just standard courses. Honors Geometry and World History.

Which classes should I take in the future if I want to major in Advertising/Marketing in college???? I know that it is early for me to decide, but I'm sure this major/career is for me. should I take mostly math, english, or art classes?????

Another question------which year in HS do you usually the AP exams, because I want to take that exam.





  1. I would take the standard college prep courseload.  If you have a chance, take statistics.  If you go into market research, you will use a lot of it.  Public speaking would be a good idea as well because you may be pitching to various clients.  I wouldn't lock myself into marketing my freshman year of high school because you might discover a love of something else.

    Also, there are multiple AP exams.  People do not usually take them until their junior year usually.  A lot of schools are strict on who they allow into AP courses.  My high school considered them higher than honors courses.  I was lucky to take 2 of them.

  2. APs are classes, culminating with an AP exam, that you can take in different years, depending on your school's curriculum.  There are 34 different tests, I believe.  Most people take the highest number of APs in their junior or senior years.

  3. I don't know about which classes you should take, but the AP exams depend on what classes you take. At my school, you can only take a math AP exam before your junior year (so you can have AP classes junior and senior year). For example, I am a freshman taking Honors PreCalc this year, so I'll take the math AP exam to get into AP Calculus AB at the end of this year.

    I hope this helps!

  4. For your next years of high school, just focus on taking the classes that you need to meet your school's graduation requirements. You should probably take math classes in your future years in high school.

    You usually expect the AP exams in either your junior or senior year in high school, depending on when AP classes are offered. If you want to take the exam, please take it. It is completely worth it.  

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