me and my fiance are getting married in 2 years. we are both going to college in NYC but he is interested in joining the Marine Corps. he is doing N ROTC to become an officer of the Marine Corps. He hasn't taken his ASVAB yet but i want him to do a job that is the least dangerous, but he wants some action. is there any in between that can satisfy what we both want? i love him dearly and i would hate to have a knock on my door one day with dreadful news.
also, we want to start a family, but i don't want my child to move constantly and have no stability. is there housing in New York??
AND, how many times will my fiance have to leave and for what and for how long????
please help, i need to mentally prepare my self on what lies ahead, and the only way i can do that is if i know everything.
__thank you!