Question: do u see urselves in 10 years time??

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straight forward question... i've been seeking something that can motivate my peers to work smarter in achieving their goals...




  1. I hope to be an archaeologist, excavating something amazing somewhere in the world.... hopefully something Neolithic, I know more about the Iron Age at the moment.

  2. Just hope >>>>>>>> u think u r self what forward arrow implies   nice question

  3. we will all be dead

  4. Overworked and underpaid.

  5. At any rate I would say that I do not see our near future in a bright and auspicious light. I am also unable to percept even the basic idea of our humble society and the creative thoughts, if there is any, of the modern youth. Furthermore this immense eagerness of the modern man to lay his hands over anything he possibly could, is at least disturbingly suspicious in respect of his future. Would this life, towards which we focus all our power and strength, help us or make us think better? In conclusion I hope that we'll start to think more and, even if it sounds ridiculous nowadays, to work less.

  6. Leading the UK. Removing the scum and giving its identity back.

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