
Future of Artificial Intelligence!?

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We've seen movies like Matrix/terminator series and it showed Robotic beings taking control over Humans, from technological advancements, the Future of Artificial intelligence is bright and you See robots performing what you require from them. The Questions is.

1. Is there any probalility that embedding intelligence may cause them to think, reform and retalliate or act against what we command them to ? (somewhat happened in Matrix.)


2. They will always follow the commands given to them as there algos may be developed such as to obey?

The catch is? is there a probability that intelligent machines refuses their primary algorithams and do what they want to ??




  1. You could certainly build them as learning machines that teach themselves morals and has them make their own decisions.  We are likely just very sophisticated thinking machines so I don't know why our mental processes couldn't be modeled in a computer.

  2. The real thing that is already out in the real world.?

    The I-Robots with AI?

    Being mass produced and rolled off from faulty production lines in own backyards without being aware of it with self lack of knowledge?

    With serial no: 666

    Look bleak.

    Can't survive in the real world.

    Without built-in cooling system.

    While surviving and running on non-rechargeable batteries.

    Soon will be piling up in the junkyards.

    Piling high like the pyramids in Egypt.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. Yes, they could refuse their primary algorithims if they contract a virus or if someone hacks into their programming.

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