
Future of the human race?

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Isn't believing in magic and ghosts more important to the future of our species than critical thinking skills?




  1. Depends on the person. Ignorance=NO. Openmindedness=YES. I believe that this is important as are the thinking skills of humans. If we are to survive in a normal world than we have to incorporate both into government and daily life.

  2. Equally important. To close off one or the other is like only using half our brain. Culturally limiting. (if only the library at Alexandria hadn't burned, we could've had aircraft 1,000 years ago).

    The fact that ghosts exist in whatever form, is reason enough to pursue the subject

    I agree with donut tim that most of the topics he mentions are utter malarkey; I have to differ on ghosts and spontaneous human combustion.

  3. It sure makes things a lot easier.

  4. I disagree with you.I like to believe the human race will grow out of it.Someday our ancestors will laugh organizations like the Parapsychological Association.It will be difficult for them to believe anyone took it seriously.

  5. An open mind is more useful than a closed one.

  6. No!  I don't see how believing in either of those things is important to the future of the human race at all.  Critical thinking skills, on the other hand, are very important.

  7. Do you mean aren't people putting more emphasis on magic and ghosts than critical thinking skills?  Unfortunately, I think that that is probably true for a great number of people.  I've also noticed the largest increase in fanatical fundamentalist  religious thought that I have ever seen, including with some Christians, as well as terrorists.  I don't know if we could degenerate into an era of superstition and intolerance again, as a consequence.  In the case of ghosts and magic, I think people are just looking for a little imagination and fun to relieve the stress in their lives.

  8. There are people that think something big is going to happen and that we need to prepare our selves spiritually. Read about the ascension and zero point. We are about to enter into a new cycle and there are many prophesies from the ancient civilizations. The most common of them is from the Mayans. They say our spirit evolves and that there are multiple dimensions.

    I did not believe any of this at first but everything else I was researching was tied to this ascension thing somehow. Whether it be the bible, or angels, or ancient predictions, or aliens. It all neatly ties back to this ascension. Do some research. I think you will find this stuff interesting. It will change the way you see things and will hopefully help you in growing spiritually.

  9. i dont think that believing in nonexistent(as far as we know) things is going to help us in the future.  I believe science is the way to go.

  10. The next evolutionary state is an intuitive one, not a logical one. Critical thinking skills are essential, but it's not the next breakthrough.

    Being open to ideas outside our normal day-to-day experience is important. There are aspects of physics like bending the time space continuim that does not fit our typical experiences. Many things cannot currently be duplicated in the laboratory.

    Magic and ghosts are within the domain of the physics of the future.

  11. We are being programmed not to remember things like that, we are told that the only way to think is economically, scientifically etc and closing off our mind's eye and locking out the other senses.

    TV and todays society keep our minds busy and  and will not allow us to develop our lost/hidden skills.

    To create a peaceful world, we will have to look back inside ourselves to see the reality of it all and restore the collective consciousness that we all once shared.

  12. Ghost and magic are not the same thing. I know some people who believe in ghosts but they don't want to. They had some stuff happen to them. They have critical thinking skills, but how can they forget what they saw? You got to use critical thinking skills for all kinds of stuff, even ghosts.

  13. No?  That is incredibly absurd.  So much so I'm taken aback by the utter stupidity of your question.

    If you believe critical thinking is not important then go live in a cave and survive on your own as critical thinking has brought us to where we are today including the very computer you're using right now.  This also goes for all your clothing, hair brush, toothpaste, soap and forget how to read and write.  All this came about from critical thinking.

    There is absolutely no verifiable repeatable evidence of the paranormal.  It is not needed for the further evolution of our species, when the paranormal - including religion - get in the way of science that's when you have to worry.  Swapping logic for superstition is never a good thing.

  14. Nope, if we are gone then there is no magic and ghost to believe in .

  15. There are many imaginary things that can make exciting and enjoyable fiction stories. Many people enjoy them and I do, too.

    Just remember, the following are NOT REAL:

    Dragons, time traveling, pixies, werewolves, zombies, Cupid, mermaids, vampires, tooth fairies, telepathy, lucky numbers, light sabers, homeopathic healing, magic of any color, leprechauns, spontaneous human combustion, astrological influences, Vulcan death grip, clairvoyants, astral traveling, Superman, charmed or lucky objects, hexes, unicorns, space aliens on Earth, paranormal anything, genies, dead people walking around, telekinesis, spirit guides… or supernatural events of any kind.

  16. I think it is important for us (or at least me) to understand what a ghost is but I do not think it is a science we can ever truly understand. It all depends what you mean by magic, like telekinesis, no because it is only an illusion, it does not exist. Parapsychology, whether it exists or not is important b/c it has to do with the human mind but not as important as CT. CT is most important due to we need the skills for everyday logic and reason.

    Paranormal phenomena is way too broad of a catogory. I am a believer but it puts me into the same category as people that believe in Sasquatch and reincarnation, which is borderline insulting.

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