
Future plans?

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I was just wondering if New Zealand was a good place to live? and if so which island?

Just wondering cause my best friend and I were thinking about moving out there sometime




  1. Well, i know not much about New Zealand. Why you just wondering and thinking? Why don't start to planning?Go for your own life, you're the one who can made decision about your life. Good luck then.

  2. New Zealand is the most wonderful place in the world to live and I'm not saying that just because I'm a New Zealander (Oh alright - I am). However, a great deal will depend on what sort of a person you are. NZ is about the size of the United Kingdom yet it has only 4.2 million people. Around a quarter of that number live in the Auckland area (North Island) and probably another quarter spread across the other 'major' cities - Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton etc. So you can imagine that the rest is pretty rural. The South island although bigger than the North Island has only about 1 million people in it. It is very mountainous with rugged scenery and a slower pace of life than the North Island. The North island is more rolling country. As its the southern hemisphere - north is warmer, south is colder. For an outdoor person its a wonderful place but people of the city/bright lights variety might find it all a bit limited. The population is still predominantly of European extraction but that is changing as NZ looks more to the South Pacific and to Asia for its future development. It has its own distinctive culture which can take a while to assimilate.

    Take a look at the website Like me it is, of course, biased. But you will learn a lot from it. Then there is the official immigration site - Lots of info there too.

    The best thing though is to come down and take a look see for yourself. Come on holiday and travel around taking a long hard look and realistically assess whether this is the place for you. Good luck and see you on the ski field!! :-)
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