
Future rabbit please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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ok i am going to get a rabbit and i need to now everything. Can u tell me? thank you!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. They   eat  lettuce   and  carrots.You   should   find   everything

    @  petco  or   Pet  smart.


              GOOD  LUCK!!!!!!!

  2. Well they will eat rabbit food that you can find in the pet aisle. I think.

    Then you just have to get it a cage.

  3. You can feed rabbits veges.  I have owned four rabbits and they have all ben fed vegetables and none of the has had "chronic diarrhea". What do you think they would eat in the wild? Yes, vegetables.

    Ok so first you will need a hutch. In the hutch there will need to be a salt l**k, water bottle, food bowl and some good quality bedding (i use hay from the pet shop).

    When you first get your rabbit, let it settle in for a few days and then let it slowly get used to you by hand feeding it, patting it etc.

    Feed rabbits dry pellet and a few veges once a day. steer clear of veges like lettuce, onion, potato or any random plants from in the garden.

    You could get your rabbit a harness and take it for walks round the garden, they love this and it will give them lots of exercise. However dont let it eat anything from in the garden except grass or chickweed.

    Good luck with your rabbit and if you are looking for more info on rabbits then go to google and type in rabbit care.

  4. Alright, let's break it down for you:

    Rabbits do not need to be spayed or neutered.  As long as they are not in direct contact with other rabbits, they will not get territorial or spray everywhere (if they are bucks).  They also don't need check-ups or shots.

    You should feed your rabbit pellets (Purina Complete is what I use) and hay.  NO VEGETABLES.  Vegetables and fruits ruin a rabbit's digestive tract and can give them chronic diarrhea.  Having food once daily and always having water should keep them healthy.

    Rabbits are clean creatures who never need to be given baths.  They clean themselves.  In order to be completely undetectable, clean the cage a few times a week.


    this link will help you a lot.. please read it and remember it.. book mark it for future

    PET STORES should be a place of last resort!

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