
G'day, how do I start a blog?

by Guest57363  |  earlier

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Excuse what might sound like a stupid question, but if you don't ask, yada yada yada. Being fairly new to the computing machine, I've still got a few things to learn about this "Black Art"....Fair dinkum answers will be much appreciated & bring you enormous karmic refluxes.





  1. i want to know too mate


    Popular, free blogging services:

    Blogger/Blogspot ( ), Wordpress ( ) and Livejournal ( ).

    I use Yahoo! 360 - a social networking service that features a blog ( ). Seems like since you have a Y!360 image, then you've already started a 360 space, so I've updated this part of my answer...

    For more details on how to set up elements of your 360 space - like the blog, see . Keep in mind that 360 is a beta service, so there are many bugs (including the annoying one of invitations not working). If you have problems, check the Answers area or click on my avatar and scroll down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab.

    See the 360 team post on "How to blog":

    See the 360 team post on "What makes a 360 page interesting?":

    Press release that explains "What is yahoo 360?":

    A good blog to me:

    1) Mainly, is one that is authentic. Your thoughts, your creative background, your interests - there's only one "you," so be expressive! I know, that's corny, but it's true.

    2) Keep it updated.

    3) Theme... is your blog a commentary on the latest news? Is it a diatribe about activities in your daily life? Is it only about your pet's quirks? A theme isn't necessary, but a purpose helps. Now, if you just want to write anything that comes to mind, well, try to make it sound like an interesting read.

    4) A sense of fun - humor always helps.

  3. It all depends, from which social network you want to start with?

    Yahoo 360:

    >Click on "Start a Blog".

    >Give your blog a cool title.

    >Describe what kinds of things the reader will be able to find on your blog.

    >Click on the "Simple URL" box to give your blog an easy to find address.

    >Decide who can read your blog and who can post comments to it.

    >Click "Begin Blog".

    To create your first blog entry click on "Compose Blog Entry".

    Write what you want to write on your blog, remember this can be anything you want it to be. Then click on "Post This Entry".

    To view your blog entry click "View Blog".

    Don't panic if your blog starts malfunction (i.e. missing blogs, repeated blogs, blogs won't post) because Yahoo never fixed their bugs, yeah, they blame it on their engineers. Just be patient...word of advice, before your decide to post your blog make sure everything you double check spelling, pictures, editing etc...




  4. You seem to want people to be enamoured by the fact that you're Australian.

  5. go to, it's pretty self explanatory.

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