
G-8: Shouldit be expanded and made G-13?

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G-8 might be expanded and made into G-13 by including some countries. Would it be better then? Is it right for Japan to disagree? Can G-13 be more efficient by taking 2/3rd of the world's people under one umbrella?




  1. It is already expanded, it is called G8+5. And they just met in Japan. Actually the G5 made of the best emergent economies (China, India, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa) challenged the decision of the G8 add ing that it is not enough to say that all agree to lower emission for 2050. The G5 replied that practical measures must be put in place, technological and of infrastructrue, because the one sthat are actually gonna be suffering more will be the poorest countries and not the G8 countries. First time the G5 speaks loud and halts the G8's self-interested decisions (and hey: China is in those, they will listen)

  2. what's the point of a club, if everyone can join?

  3. Yes, the G8 needs to be expanded. See the July 7 entry (and others) on Todd Benjamin's blog

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