
G.B,question, Does it give you great peace of mind that the Government is going to ask"searching" questions?

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over the loss,again, of confidential information. This time the records of over 84000 criminals has gone walkies. Of course the Government will be sued and you and I the tax payer will as usual pick up the bill.?




  1. In this case, the information is about criminals, so the Devil is probably laughing right now.

    There is a Private Contractor involved here, so they may be the ones who end up being sued. They would have Professional Liability Insurance, so the Taxpayer may not be involved at all.

  2. We now have a commie control freak Government who are obsessed with collecting information about us, and our private lives,  but who dont give a toss about keeping that information secure.

    Theyve given ANYONE even loosely connected to the government the powers to spy on us, for whatever reason they can think up !

    It is the big brother society !

  3. Well, no-one else has sued them for al the other missing information. Why should the crims be able to?

    'Searching questions' yeah right!

    Watch them twist and squirm, like they usually do.

  4. How can the government be sued? It has no money of it's own it only looks after ours. Government officials need to be made more accountable. They need to be punished the same way independent business people are when they are negligent. They're hit in their own pocket.

  5. Senna pods are searching and Syrup of Figs.Most probably with the same results.

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