
G. W. Bush was able to quit drinking, so why can't Obama stop smoking?

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G. W. Bush was able to quit drinking, so why can't Obama stop smoking?




  1. Great for him. Why should Obama quit smoking?  No ones business but his own, last time I checked we were a free country....oh yeah all the do gooders want everyone to believe and do as they say, not as we have the freeedom and right to do!

  2. being addicted to alcohol vs nicotine are two different levels of Addiction. The medical profession has put Nicotine on par with heroin addiction because of the profound changes in causes in brain chemistry. Too bad he took up tobacco and gave up weed. Weed works with your brain to provide a pleasurable feeling whereas cigarettes work on your brain.

  3. How do you know Bush quit drinking?

    Are you with him all the time?

    Ever tried to quit an addiction?

  4. Obama doesn't want to. Smoking is a deep character flaw.

  5. Obama did quit smoking. He did it in a well-publicized campaign in 2007 before going on the presidential trail.

    It's also worth noting that alcohol and tobacco affect the brain in wildly different ways. Smoking releases Dopamine upon smoking, which is the "Good work Champ!" chemical of the brain. You usually experience its effects after accomplishing something, s*x, etc. It also becomes habitually. Ask many smokers, and the reason they find it hard to quit is not only the physiological reasons but the habitual. For instance, some people always smoke after dinner. Not doing so will cause anxiety since something they do every time is not there.

    Drinking does not trigger the immediate release of dopamine, and typically is not as habitual in its use. It does trigger feelings of euphoria (elation, happiness), and is a "social drug" that people get together to do. People become dependant on it for this reason, among others.

    So, apples and oranges, in summary.

  6. Bush quit drinking?????????????? Well that is what they say-- but we know how well we can trust that ............ WMD???

  7. G.W. was an alcoholic!?!?Obama smokes?!?!?! Why do i never hear this stuff?? Anyways its probably because smoking is harder to quit.

  8. Who ever said Bush ever quit drinking, since his second term he's had some heavy duty demostic problems over his drinking and temper, the major news media has kept it quiet.

  9. maybe he doesn't want to. nothing wrong with that, I'd rather have a president who smokes cigarettes than smoking weed or snorting rails of coke. By the way does he smoke menthol's, cuz the brothers seem to love the menthols for some reason. all in good fun.

  10. Maybe you drank with Bush then smoked with Obama?

  11. do you smoke. prolly not so you wouldn't understand.

  12. He did.  Bush also quit using cocaine.  What a quitter.

  13. Has he mentioned a desire to? He wants to institute a federal smoking ban, but being a politician, it wouldn't affect him personally; just us useless eaters.

  14. I thought Obama did stop smoking...

  15. More to the point, why do paid Republican hacks lie here several times a day about Obama's smoking while of course ignoring the fact that McCain smoked for 25 years? Isn't this the same sort of dishonesty that got Bush elected over two candidates who were far more capable than he was and wouldn't have left the country in the condition that it's in? Isn't it the same kind of dishonesty that got us into the disatrous War in Iraq?

    Are the Republican operatives that desperate to distract attention from the recession, housing crisis and $4 per gallon gasoline? From Bin Laden running around in Pakistan while all our troops are stuck in Iraq fighting a war over WMD's that didn't even exist? Insane deficits, jobs going to India, plummeting dollar. Show me one thing -- just one thing -- that the Republicans didn't s***w up when they controlled every branch of government, and I promise you I'll vote for McCain. d**n. I didn't think so. And you know why they screwed up? Because they were dishonest, that's why.

  16. Golly i didnt know he smoked i been to busy focused on the serious issues of th country.Maybe he will quit who knows or maybe he will smoke and give a press conference  dont really matter to me i just wish the whole election was over im tired of all there promises.

  17. show proof.  bush drinks daily.

  18. I don't know for a fact that Obama has not quit smoking. I knew he was trying to quit going in to the primaries. However, it certainly wouldn't surprise me that he couldn't quit in the middle of such a hotly contested political campaign. As a wellness counselor, I know that the chances of quitting smoking during a particularly stressful time in your life are very remote.

  19. O man smokes?

    Or are you referring to the hot air escaping his big ears?

    Obama should just chuck those cancer sticks under the bus with grandma.

  20. Maybe Obama doesn't want to stop smoking?

  21. I don't ever remember hearing of someone who went out smoked 12 cigarettes then went home and because of those 12 cigarettes, beat their wife, have you?

  22. pot is hard to quit unless motivation is present.

  23. Probably because he doesn't really want to stop.

  24. Why does he have to quit? It's a free country, he can do whatever he wants as long as it's not harming anyone else.

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

  25. cause he looks too cool doing it

  26. He did. You should try reading sometime, you might like it.

  27. Hugs! was able to stop asking stupid, obscure questions to rile up people, why can't you stop spewing your unintelligent garbage?

  28. they say smoking is as addicting as heroine but who cares really

  29. I think he did quit, didn't he?

  30. He did, he quit. McCain is also an ex-smoker. It is time to make the gateway drug tobacco illegal!

  31. Who really cares when theres serious things going  on!?!

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