
GA Warrant in my name from my sisters actions!?

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I recently found out that my sister has been arrested but she committed a crime of credit card fraud - IN MY NAME! So now there is a warrant out for me in GA. Now I am scared if I get pulled over - they will see that and I won't be able to explain what happened. I have a letter from the credit bureau in my car verifying that I a victim of fraud. I called the town where the warrant if from and they told me to come turn myself in. But I don't have money for bond. I don't want to drive 4 hours to a town where I know anyone and sit in the jail. I called an attorney and she said, that if I didn't live in GA not to worry about it. But I DO live here and I am really scared! My license are valid - if anyone can suggest something helpful - I would really appreciate it. I don't have the money to hire an attorney, but she did tell me to not contact them. I really would like to know if all the police in GA run a check for warrants if your license are valid. What information is verified at the time of a traffic stop?




  1. Step one: Contact an COMPETENT attorney.   The one that doesn't even know what state you live in and gives advice the depends on your state of residence obviously does NOT qualify.  Consider that fact when evaluation EVERYTHING they said.

    99% of officers ANYWHERE run a warrant check whenever they stop anyone for any reason.  You may be surprised how many people with warrants are caught for running stop signs of similar violations.

  2. I believe that, with computers so prevalent today,  every police officer runs a check on tags and licenses when they pull you over for a traffic stop.  Since you have proof that she has perpetuated identity fraud against you, go ahead and go to the town where the warrant was issued and work it out with the authorities.  It may be inconvenient and frightening, but no nearly as bad as it will be if you are pulled over and arrested on the spot.  I can relate to how you are feeling, many years ago I had my sister arrested for stealing from me.  That is a betrayal of trust that you will never get over.  Good luck.

  3. First, get a lawyer. Try leagl aid.

    Second, if your sister was arrested, the police took her fingerprints. They can prove real quickly that you weren't the one arrested originally. Unfortunatley, now your sister will be charged with criminal impersonation, too.

    In an ideal world, take your sister with you to the police.

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