I havent come across many GA aircraft that have any form of power assist on takeoff, actually none (besides those with temporary power ratings). Anybody know any interesting systems that have ever been used. I havent even heard of NOX being used. I know fighters have had some interesting systems, but what about GA aircraft?
I think if I was going to choose some sort of power assist, it would actually be some sort of hydrogen peroxide motor, due to their extremely high horsepower for their size (you can hold a 2000 hp motor in one hand), immense horsepower potential (some are over 50k hp), and dense fuel (but still competitive weight wise, its just much more concentrated). Pure hydrogen peroxide is also cheaper than avgas ( relative to the amount of power) and can be combined with sugar to create an even more powerful reaction. They use hydrogen peroxide to power the turbopumps on the soyuz rockets because they are immensely powerful for their size and very reliable.
I dont think it would be unreasonable to equip a system that puts out and extra 100 or 150 hp for a few minutes. The engine itself would only add a few pounds to the empty weight. Anybody have any other interesting ideas?