
GAS IN MEXICO - Why is it cheaper than in the US?

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It's something like around half the price.

This doesn't fit ANY of the explanations I've heard, for why gas is so high right now.

If it's speculation, supply & demand, etc., then how is that not affecting Mexico?

The ONLY reason I can think of, is that Mexico (unlike the US) is smart enough to ignore the environmentalists and drill their own oil.

Anybody else have any better answers? And don't just say "stuff is cheaper in Mexico", because stuff is cheaper in places like China too, but their gas has gone up a lot also.




  1. because mexicans are superhumans

  2. They can't afford it, thereore,They will not buy it. So why take it up.Unlike Americans we will make a way, they will do nothing.

  3. I agree with you.

    though I don't see how they would have a problem ignoring environmentalist since they have a majorrrr polution problem

    and if you have noticed mexico never has any conflict with other countries??

    they pretty much stay to themselves......

  4. "gas" is roughly the same price in north america, however its the tax part which drives up the cost of ur gas. tax rises gas cost about 135%. mexico doesnt have such high gas tax as the US

    Governments do not "subsidize" gas prices, they simply reduce or eliminate their tax.

    With no gas tax, gas would be around 2.3 bucks a gallon in the US

    gas in venuezula is 5 cents a liter =O

  5. In Mexico the government of Felipe Calderon is subsidising the price of gas

  6. In China the government is subsidising the price of gas. The people pay their price at the pump, and the government pays the difference. Perhaps Mexico is doing the same? Also, their demand is alot less than ours. Most people walk or take bikes there, they don't drive nearly as much as us, and they have much less use for heating their homes than we do.

  7. The president of Mexico put a limit on the top price of gas and 150 other things considered essential. There is only one gas company in Mexico it is called Pemex and is government owned.

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