
GAS PRICES... what do you think?

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do you think the gas prices will increase or decrease? and when will it happen?




  1. Increase definitely looking at the rates! Then the cost of living will go up and don't ask me what's next because we will have to struggle with our earnings!

    When the gas prices go up it's not only that but also the prices of the food goes up! That's very difficult to manage! Better use optional ways to reduce the cost.

  2. I preffer to walk and take the bus, so it doesn't matter to me.

    If you all did the same once in a while, gas prices wouldn't be so high.

  3. i don't think it is ever going to decrease. the only way it will decrease is if we start using alternative gas

  4. its ridiculous and it will increase unless we do something about it like lets say off shore drilling? or tapping the abundant amount of oil we have in Alaska!

  5. I'm actually one of the few people that think gas prices aren't going to go up any more.  I have about 5 gas stations by me, and none of them have raised their prices in weeks.

  6. why is gas and milk the same price? they both need to stop goin up.

  7. Increase to about $4.65/gallon on a national average.

    That would be the tipping point, with many Americans paying well over $5 a gallon, the country would go into a tailspin.  Airlines would fail along with many retail establishments. As they fail they lay-off employees in mass, and the cycle continues.  The government would then step in, and the OPEC would produce more and begin building more refineries out of fear of losing their primary source of revenue.

  8. haha i predict prices in July will be $5. be happy with the gas prices now beause once people complained about gas costing $1pg

  9. if for one day no single person drove a car.

    we might lower it by a penny or two.


  10. continue to be sky high

    no doubt it will increase

  11. unfortunately increase. Our dollars are getting weaker by the day which means imported goods like gas are higher. It's already happening.

    There needs to be more funding for developing renewable energy sources.

  12. it'll keep going up and down...but gradually when the use will'll just go up

  13. They will continue to increase, until we all decide to stop driving. And when the prices go back down, we won't want it anymore.

  14. The gas price will never go back to what it used to be a year ago or 3 years ago... it will always increase due to effects of supply and demand... supply of oil is limited by the people who produce them, and the demand for oil is always increasing especially for developing countries such as India, Malaysia and now China... US has approx. 365 million people and consumes the most oil in the world.. China has 1.6 billion peope and they are just geting started on their share of oil consumption needs. Gas prices will never go back down, so be prepared to find alternative source of energy.

  15. It will keep increasing still Obama becomes the President of USA. After that it will stabilize back to 100$. Unfortunately it could touch close to 190$ till that time.

  16. probably go up. theyve got us by the balls. they can make it cost as much as they want to because we have to buy it regardless.

  17. I think it will go up and down every day, but overall will continue to go up steadily, which really is scary.  Because it's not just the gas that goes up, everything else will go up (and has been going up) too.  In order for things to be delivered/transported they need gas to get products to us, so they will have to raise their prices to recover the cost of getting the products on the shelves for consumers to purchase.  Everything is going up!

  18. The oil corporations are all behind it.  It started with mere price gouging (raising the prices really high in the summer) and than reducing them in the fall and winter.  A few years ago when they had Hurricane Katrina, they skyrocketed the gas prices for the first time and there was a lot of speculating going on about price gouging.  They had trouble justifying the gas prices based on the price of oil.  After this lady Senator (I forget her name) threatened to investigate or propose a bill, the prices fell back down below $3 (back to $2.50 over the fall again).  Than the oil companies started to manipulate the market.  The only way they could continue to raise their prices if if the price of oil kept going up.  What started was price speculation manipulation.  It started to hurt the economy so the US dollar started to go downhill.  Bring in foreign investors now and traders are willing to buy at any price they suggest.  They are almost guaranteeing the price will go up.  Oil companies have people on Wall Street pushing for higher prices, speculating into the market.  Their influence has become great!  So look for $150 a barrel oil this week, and $200 over the coming weeks.  There is no stopping it now, it’s no longer a market based on supply and demand or tangible means.  Its wild speculation to the fullest, create your next days price (and always higher).  There is nothing that can bring it down now except for a US economy or worldwide economic collapse.  You will see $5, $6, and $7 per gallon gas before protests begin worldwide.  US people seem to be the LEAST aggressive when it comes to protest or going on strikes.  Everyone is just too comfortable and complacent.  They believe the propaganda they ear on why oil and gas is going up (supply & demand, weak dollar, supply concerns, attack on an oil field somewhere in the world).  It's totally ridiculous.  It's just greed completely out of control, a monopoly that can’t stop itself or its lust for more money and wealth.  Sad thing is all these hundreds of billions of dollars are just figures in these rich guys bank accounts.  The money is not helping anyone, not creating jobs, not feeding the hungry, etc.  It's just making the richest people in the world richer and richer and richer at everyone else’s expense.  I have said that people MIGHT pay $10 a gallon for gas, but they probably won't pay $20.  It's the mindset of the oil corporations, OPEC, etc to find out just how much we will pay.  The VERY most is what they want to know and continue to test new ceilings every week!  If they believe and prove that the world will pay $300 a barrel for oil and $10-$12 a gallon for gas, they d**n well sure are going to charge it.

  19. Beginning offshore drilling, as suggested by President Bush now, will only make a minor dent, and that in perhaps ten years.

    The Saudis have increased the amount of oil they process, but I predict oil prices (and therefore gas prices) will continue to go up. The price of gas is kept artificially low in the US -- it's about 2.5 times cheaper than it should be.

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