
(((GAS PRICES))Where do we draw the line?

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(((GAS PRICES))Where do we draw the line?




  1. when you cant afford to purchase it anymore

  2. To begin with, there are only a few things that will change gas prices. Keep in mind that the U.S. government makes more on each gallon of gas than the oil companies do. And the government risks nothing to explore, develop, ship and refine it. If you are worried about the environment, don't buy a hybrid as the damage to the environment caused by the manufacture of these vehicles creates twice as much damage as a hummer driven 100,000 miles.

    We could open up ANWAR, but the environmental nut jobs won't let us

    As to an answer to your question, I for one will pay whatever the price is so I can continue to make a living. I just pass the increase in price onto my customers, as do all businesses.

    You can draw a line, but what happens when it crosses that a horse?

    We do need to develop a new fuel, but ethanol is not the answer! In fact if you compare ethanol to gasoline, ethanol comes in at a very, very distant second place. Ethanol takes almost twice as much energy to create than it contains. Plus with the current demand for ethanol, corn prices have risen dramatically...........corn make a good food for people not transportation....unless you walk


    Keep in mind, when you adjust for inflation, gas really is NOT much more expensive than it was in 1980

  3. How many more lines do you want to draw??!!!?!

  4. That is the sad truth, no matter what the price is we will continue to use the stuff.  I simply take money away from something else in order to fill up if necessary.  I don't think many people realize the cost at the pump isn't all the "evil oil companies" fault.  Just take a look at what California is tacking on to your gallon of gas:  Most of the cost is taxes while part of it is the underlying commodity itself.  I just get sick of turning on the tv listening to ignorant people complain about the price at the pump.  If you don't want us to drill in Alaska, Oklahoma, Texas and in the Gulf of Mexico then you should have no problem sleeping at night while you import it from our foreign counterparts.  My .02 worth and btw many people should do a cost break down of a hybrid vs. whatever the equivalent of a non-hybrid car they are interested in because they will be shocked when they see just how un-economical it is to drive that lovely hybrid.

  5. I personally wouldn't stop driving. Id just look into over ways of travel. Smaller car or motorcycle. I don't travel that far so really even a bike would work. But it would be hard to give up driving all together.

  6. $ 6.00 per gallon I think.....

  7. Actually, the line can go really high for me, and lots of other people too probably.

    I drive a motorcycle...8.00 fills up my tank at current price...and a full tank lasts up to 2 weeks.  I could last if the price went up to 20.00 or more to fill my, I'm good lol

    I think drilling in alaska is a terrible idea, why destroy that environment for a short term fix to a much bigger energy problem.  We need alternative fuels, and we need to preserve the planet before its too late, and its getting close to being too late.

  8. lets think about

    First we got to find a decent kind of fuel. Then we got to convert all the other car engines to run on it. The hyrid doesn't cut the line. Where they make the battery for the prius in canada has been turned into a nasa testing site because of it production. After that they have ship it to another location (thus burning more gasoline) to be put and cars and sold. Right know, gasoline is our best fuel. And i do agree that we should drill our own from alaska and become a fuel independent country. Even so it would be nice to have a cheaper alternate fuel. Do we have that right now? not last time i checked.

  9. What line?

    You can draw all the lines you want.  No one really cares.

  10. You don't. In the last 30 years alone it has gone from .30 cents to over $3.50 a gallon. People are driving bigger gas guzzlers than ever. What makes you think it's going to stop going up? It's a fact of life get used to it. The only thing I do not see going up is my paycheck. How about the price of milk,eggs etc? Cars are also getting out of hand.There is more than just the price of gas to worry about.

  11. the only way to draw a line would be if we quit buying gas all together or started rushing out and buying hybrids. electric cars were scrapped literally watch the DVD who killed the electric car. hydrogen vehicles aren't on the market Mr republican guy. they are only prototypes and the technology to mass produce them or even fuel them won't be available til i am 75. i am 24 now so we got some time to kill on that one. the only way to do something about gas prices is if we care.

  12. Who moved YOUR cheese?

    Buy a Prius, get a methanol powered hydrogen car, or go electric.

    Thank democrats for spiking the plan to drill for oil on Alaska's north slope (Anwar).

    If you really want to draw the line, vote a straight Republican ticket next november.  Vote the blighters out!

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