
GAS STRIKE tomorrow MAY 2...?

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this would cost 70 billion to the US....should we participate or just go about our normal business??




  1. im pretty sure its 7 billion considering the government only makes like 400 or 500 billion dollars a year from taxes and such (which btw are illegal)

  2. are you serious??? if this is serious than i'm so for it!!!!!! Everyone else do it tooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did you hear this at?? I will not get gas tomo

  3. A gas strike will not cost the US anything, unless we all sit at home and do not drive our cars.  If we don't buy gas tomorrow, we will still buy it the next day.

  4. So what? Everyone will get gas the today or the day after tomorrow. It won't effect a d**n thing. If you want results, Have everyone stop buying at a certain name brand station. But it has to be nationwide and people have to participate fully.

  5. They can survive one day.  If we want to HURT the gas people, it would hurt more if everybody stopped going to the most popular gas stations.  (I think Exxon and Mobile).  In that case, they need to lower prices, which means everybody else will too

  6. not buy gas for one day? quit buying gas from a couple of companies until they drop their prices? who thinks these things up? none of this garbage will work and the oil companies know it. the various oil companies sell their crude oil to the refineries, who then turn it into various products to be resold to various companies. the gasoline all goes down the same pipelines to tank farms where it is distributed to the retail storage tanks. so what if you dont buy gasoline from exxon. they still have to buy gasoline from the refineries because of their contracts. so exxon notices that say sunoco or shell, or both are running short of product because everyone that isnt buying gas from exxon is buying gas from these companies, so exxon resells their stocks to the other companies thus they still make money, just at the wholesale level. exxon would also sell their stocks to independent companies as well. the only way a boycott would work is if EVERYBODY AROUND THE WORLD quit buying gasoline completely for several months. THEN you MIGHT get the oil companies attention.

    if you really want to get gas prices down, tell congress to allow drilling in the anwr, the continental shelf, north dakota, and everywhere else the oil is. tell congress to get a real energy bill out, and stop with the ethanol c**p, and go for synthetic gasoline made from coal. tell congress to eliminate the number of fuel blends required around the country from 40+ down to 2-3. tell congress to allow the building of new refineries to add capacity. tell congress to stop s******g with the economy, and stop propping up the people and business's that made bad credit decisions, and do what it takes to strengthen the dollar and make this country truly energy independent, then you will see real price reductions across the board for energy, and we can tell the rest of the world to go pound sand.

  7. it won't make a difference.  All you goons will still need a whaleful of gas later in the week to fuel your SUV's.  Why not drive a Ford Focus like I do and don't worry about it?  It's still only costing me about 10 cents a mile to get around.  I still think gas is way cheap.

  8. Don't bother, its not going to do anything, it takes years of gradual change to change the system.  It won't really change anything.  If you need gas you need gas, theres nothing to do about it.

  9. participate.

  10. i'm all for it

  11. Unless every driver participates, it seriously will not make any difference. As Americans, it's our right to strike, but seriously? When does it ever make a difference.

  12. What gas strike?

    Tomorrow I'm carpooling with two other people, raising my effective fuel economy to 75 man-miles per gallon.  You can shout activism, but I'll take action.

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