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can you tell me three good reasons why g*y people should be able to adopt kids.




  1. 1. Because they're people too and can make good parents too.

    2. Because contrary to some people's opinion, being g*y doesn't make you a sexual predator, criminal or contagious.

    3. Because they too have the right to open their home to a child who doesn't have one.

    4. (Just for good measure) They tend to have a lot more tolerance than "SOME PEOPLE" (hint hint) and will raise more open and understanding children than the closed minded individuals who believe that g*y people don't have the same rights as straight people.

  2. 1. They bleed the same as straight people

    2. Being g*y doesn't take anything away from being a good parent.

    3. As long as they have the ability to love, care and support their child, why not???

  3. can you name 3 bad ones?

  4. 1. Because they can do just as good of a job as a straight couple

    2. Because I have two mothers and i consider myself blessed because i am loved and supported why would someone want to take that away from me

    3. Because who is someone else to say that your family needs to made up a certain way to make other people happy

  5. 1.they have every right a straight person has

    2. plenty of people raise their kids as a single parent. a good, strong influence of the opposite s*x doesnt have to be a parent

    3.every child deserves good parents, no matter who or what those parents are.

    by the way, all kids get picked on for something. it's up to the parents of the bullies to raise their children decently, not the victims or the victim's parents. not to mention the younger you are when you learn to take pride in yourself and stand up for yourself, the better.  it used to be hating african american people was the "in" thing to do, and jewish people, and then it wasnt right for someone to keep a child with disabilities, and it wasnt right for a woman to raise her child alone, let alone unmarried, and interracial marriage was definately not okay, and a child who was adopted was never to know about it because if they told someone everyone would know their adoptive parents couldnt have kids, and two unmarried people shouldnt live together,and then it was okay for a girl to be married at fourteen and start having kids but that's certainly not okay today......

    times change, there's always something for someone to hate or think isnt okay.  get over yourself, and stay out of other people's bedrooms. not to mention lives. sheesh.

    you dont have to like it. no one's asking you to because it doesnt matter what you think if it has nothing to do with you.

  6. if g*y people raise a kid then that kid will grow up to have all kinds of problems interacting with normal people

  7. - They cannot concieve children

    - They can still look after them just as well as straight people

    - Because they want kids?!!

  8. There are over 100,000 children in the US Foster Care System alone with NO CHANCE of reunification with their natural parents.  They need :


    2) love

    3)guidance and


    All of my g*y friends can offer all 4 of those things and more.

    Not to mention if heterosexual couples are going to be able to adopt, to tell a g*y couple they cannot is discrimination. Sexual preference isn't a determining factor of equality, at least, it shouldn't be.

  9. Because no matter if they are g*y, Straight or Single. Everyone can give LOVE to kids.

    Because they are just like normal people.

    Because everyone should have someone to LOVE.

  10. 1. there kid would hate them

    2. the kid would get bulled

    3. the kid needs a mother/father too. and it will **** them up

  11. Because there are too many kids and not enought people to take care of them.

    Because being raised in a g*y household won't "make you g*y."

    Because all kids need to be loved.

  12. I can't really. I'm a g*y man, also.

    I think children are better off being raised with a father and a mother. I think children need the nurturing of a mother and the strength of a father in their lives.

    A think that two L*****n women would be better than two homosexual men, though. L*****n women tend to be more nurturing, which is most importantly what children need.

    Where as most homosexual men are incapable, most of the time, to be nurturing enough.  Most homosexual male relationships aren't monogomous where as most L*****n relationships are very monogomous.

    Either way, though, an orphaned child is better being with homosexual parents than being alone in the world.

  13. some of them are cleaner then str8 people make a bit more money and more realiable then str8 people but most are just filthy more filthy then str8 people and its nasty it really but it dont matter if they are g*y or str8 as long as they have money and there clean and dont have crotch turkeys

  14. Instead of three good reasons, how about one good example?

    You're's easy for you to say, because you can have kids whenever you want.

    How would you feel if things were reversed? If you had to have s*x with a member of your own gender in order to reproduce? Disgusting, huh?

    Well.....why force someone else to commit an act equally disgusting to them?

    What's more immortal: giving needy children to families who will love and care for them....

    ....or forcing g*y couples to have s*x with women/men they don't love in order to have children?

    I know you've probably heard 'being g*y is not a choice'....but anyone with a soul knows that it's true.

    Just because someone is born g*y DOES NOT mean they don't have a right to children.

  15. can YOU name three good reasons why they SHOULDN'T???

  16. Im all for equality but that is where i draw the line... when the kid grows not only do they find out they dont have a family but they have been brought up by abnormals.... i know that will offend but that is how i feel.

  17. For the same reasons heterosexual people should be able to adopt:

    If they are a good parent who can provide love.

    No one shoudl be judged by their ability to parent based on their sexuality.  Seriously people aren't we passed this bigotry!!??

  18. well...  theres uh...  they can always....  ummm...


  19. Because they could provide a home with love, support, and understanding.

  20. 1) Just becuase a person is g*y does not mean that they should have to miss out on what has been called one of the greatest experiences of a life-time.

    2) There are so many kids out there who need homes, does it really matter whether they are adopted by a straight couple, or a single parent, or by g**s.

    3) There is plenty of proof in studies to show that being brought up by a g*y couple is not detrimental to a child's future. Apart from some playground teasing (children can be cruel) having g*y parents does not affect a person's life in the slightest. I friend of mine lives with her dad and his g*y partner and has done so since she was five years old and her life is perfectly ordinary. (Or as ordinary as any life can be)

  21. What difference is there from g*y couples adopting than straight people?

  22. 1.  Children need loving parents.

    2. Being g*y is not a choice, it's a fact of biology.

    3. It is discrimination to base any law on race, religion or sexual identity.
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