
GCSE exams?

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hey ya'll =]

has anyone taken their GCSE's in the last few works and in the next few weeks? how u finding them??




  1. ooo gcses.. theyre ok.. kinda..

    i have lik.. 4 to go.. so am all excited theyr nearly over..

    yea...ii shud be revisin now...

    i have chemistry next!!! scared..

    so wud ya pray fr me.. thanks aha xx

  2. I am. I've already done 7 with 5 more to go. I'm finding them ok thanks but a bit nervous about the English Language one I've got tomorrow. Hope yours are going ok. Good Luck!

  3. omg!! im takin mine now aswell! :( some of them r okaiie..but others arent... did u have ur maths 2dayy? do u do linear? i found the last question impossible...i was like how am i menna do tht!! haha lool and the anthology :@ dont even get me started on tht lool :)

  4. I found it okay, actually. I have done both Maths papers, Biology, French Oral, Business Studies, English (poetry, non-fiction), RE.

    Business Studies is hard

    Biology okay

    Everything else was easy so far.

    Year 10 exams were okay, except I retook French L+R, which was easy.

    And I did retake year 10 science exams (all 6!!!). The one with multiple choice. Some were improved, some weren't, but somehow I don't really care about year 10 GCSEs...

    In fact, I don't really care about any of my GCSE grades. I don't need them. My parent need them (for no apparent reason)...

    which reminds me of an issue I have to deal with...

    I am gonna ask a question...

    see ya!


    sorry I'm hyper today....

  5. I really worried for my GCSE exams and im sure later on you'll think it was stupid if u are worrying now. Nearly all the colleges will accept you regardless of results: unless you get like all d's. And most jobs want experience over qualifications...

  6. I'm taking them at the moment.

    Some are difficult, the english literature one was SO long and boring.

    Maths was rather boring, they've scrapped the moderate paper, so as I'm doing the higher paper, the questions are made easier for the other sets.

    I've got 7 more to go, and I've already had 8.

    Over half way!

    Good luck to anyone else taking them at the moment.

  7. Yeah not too bad thanks... I'm getting along quite well =] though agreeing with the guy above, they're not really anything to worry about toooo much, unless you're really struggling.

    So far I have done...

    Spanish Speaking

    Physics Unit 3

    RS short

    Spanish Listening

    PE (easy as!!)

    Maths Non C

    English Lit (wow that was a boring exam)

    Spanish Reading

    Biology Unit 3

    Chemistry Unit 3 (Jesus Christ that was hard)

    Maths Calculator

    And I'm yet to do...

    History Medicine

    English Paper 1

    Chemistry Unit 1 (resit - I don't get why though, I already have an A for it...)

    English Paper 2

    History Germany

    Chemistry Unit 2 (same as above)

    DT Graphic Design

    Wow, that's a lot, sorry...

    Good luck with yours though!!
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