
GCSE grades released tomorow :(?

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I'm so nervous!

I've always been the clever child in the family and my parents are expecting me to go to university and everything but because of this long break inbetween the exams and now I've turned into a nervous wreck!

If I end up failing one. My parents will kill me.


I can't sleep. I won't be able to.






  1. I kinda understand what you mean, though I was never one for worrying about my results a lot.  I was also expected to pass all my exams because I've been seen as intelligent enough to do it by my parents and I really feared not passing any.  At the same time though I didn't worry about it too much because when it comes down to it I've done the best I could have done at the time.  Try to relax, think about other things, talk to people or do something to take your mind off it, to pass the time!  that's what I did.  People always worry they havne't done as well as they actuallyh have.

  2. I'm a mum and my daughter gets her results tomorrow. I really hope she gets the grades she wants, she's hoping to go on to university too.

    As for me, i'm far more likely to kill her for hanging her clothes up on the floor than for getting bad grades. I know that she has done her best and I can't ask for more than that.

    Good luck.

  3. 1 minute until the day, I'm freaking out too!

    I'm in the same sort of situation.

    I'm going to suggest all the remedies that didn't help me but might help you...


    1. hot milk

    2. hot milk and honey

    3. hot milk and biscuits

    4. read a book for half an hour

    5. listen to calming music

    6. make up a story (as if telling to a young child you are sending to sleep)

    7. Don't lay awake for more than an hour between trying to fall asleep each time

    8. Light exercise to increase blood flow

    9. Heavy exercise to force you to sleep

    10. Cry, that always helps, and you feel tired afterward

    11. Turn off all unnecessary electronics, especially mobile phones

    12. Plan what you will do in different circumstances when you get your grades

    13. Mix and match the above

    OR if all else fails

    14. Do what I do and don't sleep, (do not use if you are a lightweight at staying awake for long periods of time lol)

    Probably didn't help, but I tried.

    Good luck,

    talk to someone if you are too worried.

  4. im worried too! my parents think i am much cleverer than i actually am!

    good luck =)

  5. Heya!! STOP WORRYING! Theres no need. Okay, so they are sorta important when it comes to getting into sixth form, and the ones you want to do for a level are sorta important to. But pay attension to word sorta. Universitys only quickly glance at gcse results, a level results are WAY more important.

    And as for worrying about your parents, these results shouldn't be about your parents. It's all about you. not your school, teachers, mum, dad, friends, YOU. At the end of the day, it's your future, your life, not theres. Relax, understand that theres no point doing this for anybody else but yourself.

    Relax, take it easy remember we are all in the same boat. Get some nice tea with suger and a slice of toast and watch your favorite tv programme and don't think about it.

    It's not like your actually taking the exams, that's much more reason to be worried. they are in the paper now! what's been has been. you can't affect them in any way now, so stop getting so worked up.

    Have fun, relax, take it easy and remember, theres more to life than letters on a piece of paper!

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