
GCSE maths edexcel grade boundaries may 2008?

by  |  earlier

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on may 3rd this year I took a modular examination, worth 30% of my overall maths GCSE grade.

it consisted of two papers, and i've received my marks- 43 and 52.

does anybody know what it was out of,and what grade this is?

i've looked on the edexcel website, but unfortunately to no avail.





  1. hmmmm dunno, OCR is the only one with theirs up already, 1/4 of a mark off an A, i'm extremely annoyed as I imagine you would be assuming your query is of a similar context, still getting a remark so fingers crossed

  2. I think it was out of 70 something but don't take my word for it.

  3. Unless there's an exam marker on yahoo i doubt you will find out til next year when edexcel upload them onto their website.

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