
GCSE maths.....?

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Ok so i have done 2 exams now so basically i have done GCSE math now. The exams didn't go too bad so i think that from both papers i will manage to get a B...the question is though my school did 2 courseworks apart from exams and both of my courseworks were A* and A standard. Each coursework is 10% so on a whole it is 20%. What i am curious about is would my coursework pull my grade up to a higher grade....for example if i have a B and nearly got 20% on coursework could it pull it up to a A grade or so. I am just not very sure about all this coursework-exam thing so i have no idea how it works. Hope you could help me out. =) Thanks.




  1. I don't think the coursework will pull ur grade up by 1 grade (from B to A for example), unless ur right at the top of a B and ur coursework is A, A*. This may give you an A overall.

    I think even if u get perfect coursework, you will need about to be near the top end of a grade, to have the overall grade pulled up.

    Good luck man!!

  2. if you have a high B, and with your almost 100% cwk - sure u could scrape an A

  3. I did the OCR Maths paper as well, it was surprisingly easy 8]

    im not sure what the grade boundaries for, but all i know is u need abt 90% for an A* and 74% for an A, i dont knw abt the lower grades (ps im not 100% sure on these xP)

  4. I'm in the same position too - I'm hoping, after getting 2 marks off a B in my mocks, that I will get a B.

    I think it depends on how close you are to the A grade boundary, obviously the closer then the better. However, the coursework percentage is quite small, so you'd have to be pretty d**n close to an A.

    All I can confirm is that it will most definitely not bring your grade down. =)

    Grade boundaries are released round about the same time as GCSE results! Sorry!

  5. the grade boundaries vary each year depending on how many people found the paper really easy/hard. the boundaries are decided once feedback has come back from the markers

  6. It's got something to do with UMS Marks... whatever they are..... :S

  7. I took maths last year on the OCR board but since last year, the syllabus had changed. Coursework definitely has an impact on your grades. I got an a* and a for both my courseworks too and for two modules a and a* and terminal B. Overall, the UMS marks are out of 800, taking both courseworks, modules and terminal paper into consideration. I managed to get 690 something which is an A but I think if you get a particular amount over 700, that's an A*. I think the UMS for a grade A is round about 650/800. I'm not sure if it has changed but you could google it and type in overall UMS marks for OCR maths gsce. You could find something.

  8. Yeah - like Hannah just said, it completely depends on how close your exams were to a B - as in if they are at a particularly high B at the moment.

    Haha I found today's quite easy, I was expecting the worst... and heey, I envy your courseworks - mine are about a B and a D, because I kinda went through a lazy phase while we were doing those, but I think I've got at least A's in the exams... So I'm pretty glad the CW doesn't count for much...

  9. Wow! your coursework is A* standard at maths!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations.  You've achieved the unachievable!!!

    Well you needn't worry this shows you're a genius and have got your work right during the year that's the main thing.

    Please do not worry anymore cause you are on the right road and just stay calm and forget about it

    Treat yourself!!!

  10. Only if you were like one mark off an A in the exam and top marks in coursework. Because 20% really does not make too much of a difference in the whole grade.

    I'm sure you have got an A we don't know the grade boundaries yet!

    I'm also hoping for an A...fingers crossed!
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