
GCSE results tomorrow!!?

by  |  earlier

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So scared!!! Shouldn't be but I am.

And I keep hoping I haven't done too bad, but then the other part of me thinks I've done c**p!

Anyway how are you guys feeling? Good luck! :)




  1. i got my mini science GCSE module results 2moro! God im lying a brick!

    Hope everyone does great!

  2. When i think about it i get REALLY nervous.

    So i just try not to think about it.

    I am sure you will do really well.

    But i suppose if you think your going to do badly and then you don't, you'll feel even better.

    Good luck!

  3. i got 7 As 2 Cs and 1 U

  4. awww don't worry. i did my GCSE's a year ago and was petrified that I'd failed one of my subjects but i passed it and i didn't expect to. go in with an open mind and don't let things get you down and if they do you can always retake the exams, it's really not that bad. trust me. i've just retaken my GCSE maths and hopefully i'll pass second time round. fingers crossed. my suggestion to you would be to relax. take a bath or listen to some music or even have an early night. even some  slow breathing exercises. these should take your mind off things. i know some of these sound really silly ideas, but some have worked for me. the key is just to stay calm and don't beat yourself up if things aren't what you expected. i received my AS's and i didn't do as brilliantly as i would have liked but i'm just retaking them. these things happen. my advice to you would be to just take it easy. i hope you do well and i wish you luck! : )

  5. Good luck hope you get good grades. Don't be nervous be happy , whatever you got your parents will be proud and you did your best that's all you can do .  

  6. good luck to everyone.....

    feels like a long time ago i recieved my results!

    do you still go to collect them at school?

  7. I'm feeling exactly the same!

    I'm not worrying about getting the top grades anymore, I'm just worrying about whether i've past or not...

    Best of luck to you!!!  

  8. Me too exited and scared!! good luck! :) xx

  9. I know!!!!!!! cant wait for the results!!! biting finger nails etc,etc. Same here i think i have done really bad!!!!!

    Can't wait!!!! well anyway just make silent prayers that it is not too bad!!

  10. I get mine tmorrow also ahhh lol

    I am Really worried about what i have got !

    Will be happy if they are all C or above ! lol

    Hope everyone Gets what they want !

    Including Me haha

  11. good luck! I did **** but i wldnt worry about it-my employer didnt even check up on mine!  

  12. hope you all do well

  13. I feel anxious. But don't worry :) Less than 24hours. Whats done is done, and if you're not happy you can always resit for £50 a subject until your 18 (im sure it wont come to that) :P


  14. I am so NERVOUS!

    I got accepted into one grammar school, another school sixthform and i have been placed on another grammar school's waiting list..

    I was predicted 14 GCSEs with around six A's and an A* and a few B's and C's.. I'm VERY nervous.. I really want to get into that grammar school where i have been placed on the waiting list..

    Don't worry about your results now hun, just know that you cannot change anything.. Let's see and wait until tomorrow.. Good luck!  

  15. Hey me too, but im going getting my year 10 ones.

    Im totally scared  =[

    my family and friends told me if you tried your best it all that matters!!!


    good luck   xxxxx

  16. same.. im scared too.. i hope i get good results.. gd luck !

  17. God i felt exactly the same on my results day, i thought i had done awful but i really hoped i hadn't. It was all for nothing though, I got 2 A*'s 6 A's and 2 B's.

    So don't get too nervous you've probably done really well!

    Good luck!!!

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