
My GE Dual Wave II Microwave System does not work all the time

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My GE Dual Wave II Microwave System does not work all the time. GE Dual Wave II Microwave System is half broken or works only when it wants to. My microwave part of a microwave/oven built-in is only working sporadically and normally when i really need it to work badly.  Sometimes it heats, sometimes it heats as if on a lower power level (when it isn't) and sometimes it doesn't heat at all.  But each time it ACTS as if it's working fine (light on, normal humming, etc.)  I can't tell what's going on, and it's very inconsistent.  The model # is J KP68GOK2 BG.  It was manufactured (and installed) in 1987.

My question is, do you think it is worth having someone out to fix it?  It's a very expensive piece of equipment to replace, but I don't want to throw away more money having someone slap some duct tape on it and then replace it anyway in a few months....  Meanwhile, it's very tough living without a microwave!

 Tags: dual, GE, II, Microwave, system, time, wave



  1. Tina Marshal

    First i am assuming your internal cooling fan stirrer or turntable are working, and the power at the out let is correct (105-125VAC) then I would suspect a bad connection at the magnetron terminal or a failing magnetron.    it also helps to note when it happens, morning, day or night.  If you can provide the model number from the tag in or on the unit and specific details as to what is or is not happening, i will be able to help more.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 3 month(s) ago.
This question has 1 answers.


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