
GENTLEMEN, HAS STAR TREK Been Destroyed Due To Modern Feminism?

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The Star Trek series took a turn for the worst, not with Star Trek: Voyager, but with the most recent show, Enterprise. Voyager had a female captain (which is okay) and the feminist element was not overtly present. However, it wasn't a good show because of the overfocus on 7-Of-9 and lack of male guidance in key decisions. The men in Voyager were also beginning to be 'watered down', but still better than what we find in T.V. today.

Here is something for Star Trek fans needing to refresh their memory on why the series did so well for 30 years and has not in the last 5. The advent of extreme feminism into 'Enterprise' was Star Trek's death knell. This show also had numerous other problems, like stupid comedy lines and a lampooned, clumsily attempted military ambience. Comments?




  1. OMG AGAIN?! This is what the 4th time now? I think I should start copying and pasting the same answer. This b.s of Feminism is NOT true. Enterprise sucked because it didn't go any where and the writing sucked. On Voyager ya there was a slight over focus on Seven of Nine; however, there was no lack of male guidence in key desicions. Just because the captain and cheif enginner was a women didn't mean the guys were didn't make decisions. This questions has been posted and reposted and reposted and I know i'll see it again and again and again. This question is not going anywhere.

  2. hate it or love it the episode on Enterprise with the 3 Orion hotties was great.

    But yeah, they seriously wussed during Voyager and Enterprise.

    7of 9 would make a great pole dancer

  3. I noticed that long ago. Instead of fighting Klingons and others, they started talking for hours in a "council" - God help us! The closest you get to a punch-up now is if someone burns the toast!


  5. Funny. . . I thought it'd been watered down because they were trying to give men too much pure eye candy without all the usual substance.  Is that feminism?  

    Yes, I'm actually female.  However, I'm far too much of a geek not to put my two cents in on things Trek.

    Voyager was starting to do pretty well, I thought, until around the time they started paying too much attention to Seven.  Or at least it wasn't doing all that much worse than early TNG or DS9.  The leadership at whatever levels you prefer to be pointing the fingers just started s******g up more than usual about then.  That odd leadership carried on into Enterprise -- a new series with those from the latter half of Voyager in charge.

    Oh, and Enterprise just had "issues".  Any Trek with that kind of theme song is clearly just messed up to start with.

    Let's just hope for the best next May, shall we?

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