

by Guest45211  |  earlier

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I personally believe Georgia will win the national championship. Trust me the media hype and number 1 ranking will not get to them. They are a very concentrated team and does not fold under pressure. Here is why they will win. They have QB Matthew Stafford in his prime, RB Knowshon Moreno, RB Caleb King, and a very good defense. What other teams have that good of a combo this year? None. And I am not worried about Oklahoma, USC, or Ohio State getting in their way at the Championship because they honestly arent as good as they are made out to be they really dont even play hardly any decent teams. And Georgia is going to play alot of very talented SEC teams, who may I add won the past two national championships(LSU, FLORIDA). The only reason that USC, OKLAHOMA, AND OHIO STATE always play for the national championship is because they have an easy ride there every year. This is Georgia's year and they will take every game one game at a time and they will dominate. Yes they do have a tough schedule but so did LSU and FLORIDA. Also I believe either Moreno or Stafford will win the heisman. QUESTION: I want to hear everyone elses opinions about what I said and also who they think will win the national championship???




  1. all i know, Ohio State will definetely not win it, chances are they will go through the regular season undefeated and the media will say that this is the year that they'll finally win it all then they'll get killed in the title game, same as every year.  

  2. Anyone can point out all their own star players and ridicule other teams. I'll leave it up to coaches who watch tons of gametape to do that. And I'll leave it to the field to determine it.

    You need to relax and stop criticizing every other team. Yes if Georia does make it through the SEC they'll be in good shape but I'm finding it tough to believe they will make it to the big game, we'll have to wait and see. But who are you to say exactly what Georgia will do, unless you're on the coaching staff I could care less, at this point so much is speculation from what we hear in the media. Everyone's local papers are saying so and so put on 15 pounds of muscle and kept their speed, big deal, I don't care, I want to see what happens on Saturdays.

    With that said, Go buckeyes! (yes now you can criticize me and cut down my team)

    and best of luck to your team (unless of course we end up playing you)

  3. Nope it is the number one ranking curse.I believe Ohio State will win the BCS Championship.

  4. Isnt htis the same group that nearly lost to Troy last year. And your

    boasting Georgia going to the national championship game. Dude you guys have some serious hurdles to jump over and thats just to get the sec championship game.  What wins games is the what happens in the trenches, and what the georgia fans fail to mention and thats becasue its your bulldogs concern is play from the offensive line, they got it together late in the year last year but they are still a very young line. Games on the road against tough opponents with superior defenses such as Arizona St, is going to be the test on how Georgia will do in SEC play. Arizona St has a very aggresive defense that if your line cannot protect Stafford is going to be a long day, they have trememdous speed from their de positions, personally I see your o-line having fits in this game. That game, in the desert, against hostile enviroment is going to be a tough game to win for the bulldogs, and thats before we talk about SEC conference play. Their play towards the end of the season, and the destruction of Hawaii is what placed Georgia as the pre-season number 1. Not many teams less than a handfull, maintianed the number 1 ranking from beginning of the season to the end of the season, back in those days theor was far less parity in college football, where as these days, anyone can beat

    anyone on any given saturday. Roster size restriction plus , yearly

    amount of scholarships a team is allowed per year not alone with various style's of offenses and defensive scheme's has even the playing field these days. The days of tradional powers like Georgia

    smashing a team like Rutgers, in these days and times , Rutgers can not only compete with Georgia but can beat them as well. So if this was 10 years ago most of us wouldnt argue that Georgia is a clear favorite, but in todays college football, I find it to be a very tall hurdle for them. Lacking is their offensive line, very talented group. But face some very ,very fast defenses this year, that'll make em or break em this year.

  5. your right.. please answer me;...

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